Trade Log (Anime_TCG)

Sep 15, 2008 18:00

Trade log

- Trade Reiki04 and Rune07 for Fast10 and Search06 with cloudxsora

- Trade Wind13 for Hime15 with lucathia_rykatu

- Trade Nineteen02 for Hime11 and Camera04 with cookie_pixie

- coloredpastels quits so I got some cards from her

- Trade Net17 for Yumemi05 with duo_aurion

- Trade Bad07 and Prodigy18 for Hime06 and Hime20 with headshot

- Trade Pizza06, Lord11, and Lord17 for small13, witch07, and search20 with rages

- Trade a bronze cert and Fairy01 for camera07, camera15, search16, and witch19 with death_the_kid

- Trade Camera04 for Hime08 with cookie_pixie
- Trade Peach02 and Mercury06 for Hime18 and Yumemi08 with thisisarisa

- Trade Captain18 for Yumemi17 with haruhara

- Trade Trick18 for Hime16 with lcpdragonslayer

- Trade Trust14 for Camera12 with darkranger

- Trade Seiryu06 for Camera18 with est_viaranis
- Trade Camera02 and Usagi03 for Yumemi03 and Cold07 with formative
- Trade Novel01 for Witch06 with xtiggzie

- Trade Mobile15 for Angel06 with windelle

- Trade Absurd10 and Dan06 for Search11 and Swarm02 with lucathia_rykatu
- Trade Stoic20 for Swarm11 with harumonic
- Trade Enigma17 for Angel09 with fluffyferret

- Trade Kira01 and Truth06 for Earth04 and Cold18 with cookie_pixie
- Trade Sea02 for Yumemi19 with lucathia_rykatu

- Trade Finance17 for Swarm08 with teh_vindicator

- Trade Traitor20, Class05, and Shrimp11 for Kyudo19, Venus16, and Select20 with chibiyaoichan

- Trade Mascot20 and Fly13 for Yumemi09 and Cold19 with hoshikata
- Trade Band14 for Pizza02 and Swarm05 with rokeru

- Trade Kyudo19 for Yumemi20 with politicologic

- Trade 3.11 04 and Doubt14 for Absurd08 and Mask14 with duo_aurion
- Got Camera20, Mercury09, and Fire18 from othjess since she quit
- Trade God09 and Unyuu09 for Hero20 and Yumemi11 with thisisarisa

- Trade Neko19 for Yumemi15 with death_the_kid
- Trade Bitter01 for Angel07 with lucathia_rykatu
- Trade Pieces15 for Swarm15 with lazuliprince

- Trade Lucky17 for Witch17 with lysberries
- Use two bronze certs to get Clover03, and Search10
- Got Yumemi04, Clow-sleep, Easter05, and License14 for birthday
- Got Clow-arrow, Athena04, Punk06, Easter15, First11, Viceroy20, Bio01, Clever10, Crime07, Bolt10, Dissect10, Teen10, Kid10, Direct06 for New Decks
- Got Clow-fly and Clow-flowery as choice cards at the New Deck post
- Trade Bio01 for Swarm20 with cloudxsora
- Trade Clever10 for Earth14 with xtiggzie
- Trade Crime07 for Pizza11 with chibiyaoichan
- Trade Bolt10, Dissect10, Teen10, & Kid10 for two gold certs with death_the_kid
- Trade Direct06 for a bronze cert with rokeru
- Trade First19 for Camera11 with haruhara
- Master Clover: Yumemi06, Clow-jump, & Apollo20
- Master Search: Yumemi10, Bio08, & Clever16
- Trade Clever16 for Camera09 with kittycatmew

- Trade two gold certs for Clow-rain and Clow-power at cert. exchange
- Trade Fuku05 for Clow-Windy with caitirin

- Got Hime09/12/13/14/19, Voice01, Blue11, Artemis05/10/15/20, and Blood20 & Angel14/15/16/17/18/19/20 from lianchini since she quit

- Trade Nobody11, Heika15 & 2 bronze certs for Angel01, Angel04, Angel10, and Angel11 with chibiyaoichan
- Trade Trick12/14/18 for Hime03/05/07 with akane_nara
- Trade Heika15 and Igura19 for Clow-song with nesiax
- Trade Easter04 and Viceroy02 for Clow-freeze with tehkev

- Master Hime: Yumemi18, Geass14, & Desho05
- Trade bronze cert for Yumemi16 at the cert. exchange
- Trade Tori05 for Cold05 and Dan11 with kittycatmew

- Got Swarm16, Clow-Windy, TB03, and, Left16 from Happy Birthday 68
- Got Rebel16, Athena03, Bad10 from Happy Birthday 69
- Got 9 of Cups, Hero14, and Apollo14 from Guess the Character 62
- Got Hero06, Cloud18, Eat09 from Guess the Character 61
- Got Eyes18, Cold09, Pizza09 from Anime Triva 53
- Master Angel: Cold02, Clown01, and Truth20
- Graveyard: sketch16, witch02, selece14, & voice14

- Trade Zessei05 for Clow-Light with est_viaranis
- Trade Truth20 and Flashy14 for Earth12 & Hero11 with lcpdragonslayer

- Trade TB03 and TB12 for Cold10 and Earth10 with formative

- Got Dan09, Artemis14, and Pizza04 from Scavenger Hunt 42
- Got witch09, witch10, witch12, witch13 from Graveyard
- Trade Clow-Windy for Dan14 and Swarm07 with playingmyrole

- Trade Left16 for Masks05 with duo_aurion

- Trade Clown01 for Punk01 with haruhara
- Got Camera19, Easter17, and Earth06 from Guess the Manga 55
- Trade Ensign10 for Earth13 with est_viaranis
- Got Pizza12, Bad18, and a bronze cert. from Eye Spy 64

- Got Absurd10, Bad03, and a bronze cert. from Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder 31
- Got Pizza03, Parapara07, and Knight of Wands from Scavenger Hunt 43
- Trade Copy20 for Swarm09 with est_viaranis

- Trade Parapara07 for Witch01 and Selece19 with purinusesu
- Trade Ditz08 for Hero16 with haruhara
- Got Absurd02 and Ciao17 from Freebie 33

- Trade King of wands and Apollo20 for Absurd03, Absurd06, and Bad04 with haruhara

- Got Fool, Pizza10, Windom01 from Seiyuu Guess round 53
- Trade Pong20 for Bad11 with chill_shadow

- Got Cosmos05, Justice, and Windom18 from Guess the Anime Round 63

- Got Witch05, Witch16, Selece11, and Selece15 from Graveyard

- Got First13 and Right04 from Eye Spy 65
- Got Class27, Choir13, and Jail20 from Happy Birthday 71

- Got Windom10, Cake13, Choir03, and a bronze cert. from Scavenger Hunter 44

- Got Cold16, Class07, and Clever06 from Guess the Mangaka Round 30

- Got Ballet20, Hook16, and a bronze cert. from Boobs, Butt, and Shoulder Round 32
- Got Windom03, Windom06, Windom13, and Windom14 from Graveyard
- Trade Right04 for Punk11 with harumonic

- Trade First13 and Cosmos10 for Voice17, Hero01, and Truth17 with harumonic
- Got Pizza01, Color10, and Clow-Illusion from Scavenger Hunter 45
- Got Apollo15,Engage12, Mew10, and Fire20 from Guess the Anime round 65
- Got Bugs04, Colors01, and Artemis19 from Anime Trival round 55
- Got Witch18, Voice07, and Nyoro05 from Happy Birthday 72

- Got Biology17 and ME01 from Freebie 34
- Got Artemis18, Dan20, and Lyre15 from Guess the Character 66

- Trade Shop20 for Absurd07 with aikodestiny
- Level 4: Clow-shot and Windom20

- Master Witch: Camera01, Heika16, and Denno05
- Trade Cake13 for Masks07 with caitirin

- Got Pizza15,& Artemis02/08/12 from Graveyard

- Got Bugs07, a bronze cert. and Rikka16 from Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder Round 33

- Got Masks11, Pizza20, and Apollo11 from Pick a Card57
- Got Gerad18, Rikka12, and Knight11 from Guess the Manga 59

- Got Bulter14, Absurd20, and Mew02 from Guess the Character 67
- Trade Desho05 for Masks20, and Selece20 with cloudxsora

- Trade Truth17 for Hime09 with scripturiency

- Got Windom07 and God10 from Freebie 36
- Got artemis01/03/04/06 from Graveyard
- Got Lulim03 and Magus18 from Freebie 35
- Got Choir08, Hook17, Puppet04, Prank11 from Seiyuu Guess round 58
- Got a Gold cert. from Pick a Card 60

- Got a sliver cert. from Pick a Card
- Got a sliver cert. and Class15, Left05, Pumpkin14, Prophet09, Android19, and Cool2 from Laundry Basket Round 35
- Got Pumpkin06, God15, Ace-Pentacles, Rouge09, Athena15, and Bugs09 from Anime Trivia 54
- Got Selece04/06/09 from Graveyard
- Got Aspis07, Torture17, and Uncouth06 from Freebie37
- Got Fee05, Arco02, and Tongari05 from Guess the Character 70

- Trade Class15 for Hero18 with chibiyaoichan

- Trade bugs07, cloud18, extreme09, and hime09 for Earth18, Bad08/12/19 with purinusesu
- Got 5 user cards from cardgive away for Christmas and New Year
- Got Pleiades15, Flask05, Drop11, Demon08, Ora04, Ivory15, Temen04, Inept09, Master03, Back-up15, Hiken04 from cardgive away for Christmas and New Year

- Got Pleiades05 for free from megchan87
- Got Wiki02 and Holy06 from Freebie38
- Got Bugs13, Manga12, Wheel09, and a bronze cert. from Guess the Mascot 38
- Got clow-loop, Demon08, Sitar15, and a bronze cert. from Guess the Character 72
- Trade Wiki02 for Flask02 with sanggre_habagat
- Trade Inept09 for Flask03 with shyguygoneawry
- Trade 2 Sliver cert. and 1 Bronze cert. for Camera06, Camera08, Camera10, Camera13 and Camera16 from the Cert. Exchange

- Trade Ivory15, & Temen04 for Clow-thunder with chibiyaoichan
- Level up: Flask18, Hiken01, Viceroy10
- Trade Hiken04 for Flask08 with stopping
- Trade Demon08 for a bronze cert. with xtiggie
- Trade Master03 for a bronze cert. with rokeru
- Trade Wheel09 for Flask10 with elystia

- Got a Gold cert. from Pick a Card

- Trade Rebel12 and Cool02 for Clow-dark with xx_frenzy
- Trade Hook16 and Left05 for Voice09 and Apollo16 with lilikoifish

- Got Clow-bubbles, India17, and Demon14 from Guess the Anime Round 71
- Trade Ora04 for Flask01 with greyrook_22
- Trade Back-up15 for Pleiades01 with cookie_pixie
- Got Flask14, Skirt13, Athena02, and a bronze cert. from Laundry Basket 40
- Trade Demon08, Nyoro05, Torture17, Uncouth06, Venus17, and Sei01 for Fight09, Honor18, Prithivi10, Term13, Lion02, and Erotic20 with arushiraoi

- Trade 2 bronze cert. and 2 gold cert. for Clow-cloud, Clow-sword, Flask13, and Flask15 at the cert. exchange
Master Camera: Flask19, Master07, Voice05
- Trade Skirt13 for Artemis22 with thisisarisa

- Trade Demon14, Master07, Pumpkin06 and Pumpkin14 for Athena17, Pizza06, Pizza19, and Voice20 with chianna

- Trade God15 for Flask11 with myrrhst
- Got Hero09, Ginryuu03, and a bronze cert. from Pick a Card

- Trade ciao17 for pleiades13 with greyrook_22
- Trade Eyes18 for Dan05 with cloudxsora
- Trade 4 cups tarot for dan19 and windom16 with golden_bastet
- Got OCD05, and Swarm17 from Freebie 40
- Got Flask04, and Demon04 from Freebie 39
- Got DNA18, Human16, Flash15, and Meteor13 from Guess the Anime Round 74

- Trade 4 cups of tarot for Dan19 and Windom16 with golden_bastet
- Got North04, Earth20, Eyes11, and Clan12 from Seiyuu Guess Round 60
- Got Goat07 from Deck Repairs 04
- Got Job08 from Deck Repairs 03
- Got Common08, Gerad13, and Love01 from Happy Birthday 89
- Got one bronze cert. and Mikheil03, Strung05 from Distorted Round 59
- Got Rune09, Rep12, and Drop06 from Pick Card 72
- Got one sliver cert. and Subtle20, Kyudo15, Clear03 from Pick a card 71
- Got Soccer10, Left06, and Menos18 from Pick a Card 70
- Got Cosmos03 and Perfect13 from Pick a Card 69
- Got one bronze cert. and Halt07, Bulter17, Trumpet16 from Laundary Basket 43
- Got Hyou13 from Deck Repairs 02
- Got one sliver cert. and Flask06, Right09, Windom02 from Seiyuu Guess 51
- Got Bad13, Athena10, and Punk15 from Anime Trivia round 67

- Got Selece12, Octava01, and Brute01 from Happy Birthday 91

- Trade 1 usercard for Cold17 with sanggre_habagat
- Trade 1 usercard and Prank11 for 1 usercard and Pleiades10 with chibiyaoichan
- Trade 1 usercard for 1 usercard with lilikoifish
- Got Hana02 from Deck Repairs 06
- Trade Pizza02 for Artemis09 with birdboy2000

- Trade Love01 for Hero07 and Enigma14 with nerrin

- Trade License14 for Hero15 with 00zags
- Got on sliver cert. from Pick a Card 75
- Got a bronze cert., Italy03 and Master12 from Pick a Card 73
- Got England05, Yellow14, and Kobato20 from Guess the character 84
- Got Hijutsu17 and Athena13 from Freebie 41
- Got Recluse17, Nindo06, Russia06, Lolita05, Yaro01, America17, Bandit10, Kaldea01, Luberia01,France15, Kodama13, and  Haiku20 from the new decks

- Trade Kaldea01 and Luberia01 for Clow-twins with xiao_baka
- Trade Haiku20 for Cold02 with sparkism
- Trade France15 and Kodama13 for Calm15 and Right19 with nerrin
- Trade Recluse17 for Artemis13 with xtiggzie
- Trade Demon04, Easter17 Eat09, Fee05 and Flash15 for Absurd16/18, Voice13, and Clow-storm with nyarmar


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