Sure! :) Total would be 5,50$ and 3$ shipping = 8,50$. If you agree please pay here: and please include your username and products in the notes!
I have shipped! Please let me know when you have got it, and please don't forget to give me feedback ;) . Was a pleassure selling to you!! ( You still paid me $0,50 too much, if you send me your Paypal I'll refund it :) )
Hi there! I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner. If you reply to yourself, I won't get a notification :( Anyways, thank you so much for the updates! My Paypal is Sure, I'll let you know once the letter arrives and then we can exchange feedbacks :D
I'd like to commit to:
- Shelgon German lamin card 2$
- Pokemon Shuffle/Range sticker Rattata 0,30$
- Pokemon Shuffle/Range sticker Raticate 0,30$
- Pokemon Shuffle/Range sticker Bagon 0,30$
- Pokemon Shuffle/Range sticker Shelgon 0,30$
- Pokemon Shuffle/Range sticker Salamence 0,30$
- Official Pokémon 2000 postcard Raticate 2$
Shipping will be to Germany.
Oh sorry i calculated your prices, but the lamincards are 1.50$ each not 2$! Im refunding you now the 0,50$. What is your paypal?
Anyways, thank you so much for the updates! My Paypal is
Sure, I'll let you know once the letter arrives and then we can exchange feedbacks :D
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