Photo-Spam: Television Production class is over!

Dec 13, 2006 03:50

TV Prod class ended today, and because it was my favourite class I brought a camera to help me remember some good times of the last day. Below is a huge photo-spam with those pictures!

I straightened my hair for the occassion.

Today was Jen's turn to direct her TV Production. I feel bad because last time the VTR didn't record it, and this time everybody was distracted/absent because it was the last day of this class. She did a spectacular job, though! Her TV Prod. was my favourite, I think. This is her acting like a director, because I told her to pose like one.

Adam the half-assed switcher.

But his mood quickly changes when he realizes what fun switching can be! Seriously, it's the best job in TV Production. It was the first job I had to do and nothing beats it.

Work it, Andrew.

Professor Jeremy Landon wearing my gloves. 
It's because I stole his leather rapist gloves to control the camera a few weeks back. Mine are more like Mom Gloves than Rapist Gloves, because they are actually my moms.

Jeremy and Andrew molesting my scarf (and possibly each other).

Derek wanted to dance in front of the camera for us, but little did he know what the camera angle was like and that they were both zoomed in. Awkward.

Wes and Matt. Wes actually showed up for class today! But then immediately he went for a break before class started.

Nothing was going on though because we were waiting for Audio to be fixed, so here's Greg and Josh also on break.

Then they all headed back into the control room to hang out there.

Jeremy and Derek share a laugh at the sound effects in the audio booth.

Andrew and Josh attempt to fix the audio trouble. Truthfully, none of us Filmies know what 95% of those buttons on the audio board do. It's a TV thing.

Nobody knows what audio is all about.

Andrew playing with the fantastical choice of sound FX (which are awesome) and News themes we have, the latter of which we've all heard hundreds of times and were we ever to hear them on a real newscast we'd probably instantaneously implode.

I just really like the control room and the plasma screens, so I took a lot of pictures of them.

Derek testing the microphones in the studio.

I had Matt pretend he was doing various jobs so I could take pictures of them. This is CCU, which is the second most boring job in the class. Essentially you colour correct both of the cameras so that the colours look the same.

Here Greg is doing graphics. It's an alright job, but would be a lot better if the computer had Photoshop as opposed to just paint and Inca.

A picture of Camera 2, because I love how the broadcasting cameras look.

Matt pretending to work the camera. This job's okay, but unless the camera moves it's tiring and boring. I enjoyed jobs in the Control Room a lot more.

Kyle and Bryan weren't in our TV class, but they were actors in half of the productions so they had to get up early a lot of Tuesday's in a row. Poor guys.

Jennifer is serious about TV Production.

That's my "I'm being stalked by a creepy ex-goblin named Jeremy!" face. Or something.

Giving Andrew the cold shoulder.

When I said that CCU was the second most boring job in the class, VTR takes the number one spot. Here is Matt napping because VTR is the most boring and lonely job of the entire class. If I had to do VTR for a living I would kill myself in the VTR room. . . and no one would know because you're all alone in there. They'd find my body 6 months later when the hired a youngin' to replace me. Maybe in the real world there is more than one person in the VTR room. God, I hope so for the sake of the VTR people around the planet.

Jeremy, Jen and Adam working their magic. "Ready slate. Cue slate." Oh, bars and tone, how I loathe thee.
It looks like Jeremy is sucking his thumb.

The timer and Jennifer's portrait that Jim Jam drew. What ISN'T this a picture of?.

Andrew wraps XLR cables as the Canadian Flag looks on.;

The class talking about their encounters with homeless people in Toronto. At this moment Andrew finished telling us how he once walked past a homeless man that was dead on the sidewalk with a blanket over his face.
Around the semi-circle left to right: Jeremy (Jim Jam), Jennifer (Jen), Adam (Step-Henson), Josh (Fitz), Kyle (K-Fed/Fediniw), Derek, Matt, Greg (Gregnogg), Andrew (Simpson). I love nick names.

Jeremy in the role of Professor, what with his clip board. Quite the Converse obsessee.

Jennifer after her production once again being directorial.

The TV Studio. I will miss it so much.

After TV Production some of us went upstairs to the caff for an early lunch.

There were already some filmies who had commandeered a few tables.
Reed (being vulgar), Kyle and Cody in the caffetorium. 
Mmm, caff food. Today's special (BBQ Beef on a bun) actually looked good! But I didn't get it.  Haha, Today's Special! What a great show that was.

Reed, Cody and Corey. Chocolate milk is THE drink of Filmies! That and Rockstar, but I don't buy that because it's $3 per can.
Aw, the film table in the caff. We don't have one in particular, we just take over several for about an hour and become loud and obnoxious. Today Reed randomly yelled out "BECAUSE SHE'S PREGNANT, ALRIGHT?!" during the busiest time of the day at the caff and for a split second the entire cafeteria was dead quiet -- until our table burst out laughing.

Bryan's shock and awe.

Attempting to eat my pen.

Now physically ingesting my pen.

Giant Jim Jam face! I was playing with the close-up focus on the camera, which was my brother's by the way.

Then we hung out in the film hallway 
(after Dennis stole Bryan and I for some website video that I was crap in. I got a free T-Shirt out of it!)

Greg chillaxing in the film hallway.

Sean sitting on the floor of the film hallway.

Reed: wonderful make-up artist, gaffer extraordinaire. Laying on the benches in the film hallway. He's the one that transformed me into a 110 year old man (and Jeremy and Xylon into goblins) for Bryan's shoot.

Camden and Bryan, who is genuinely confused. This is just inside the door to our film hallway, where we may sit to relax but must NEVER drink/eat in. Through the door behind them is the first year editing lab.

Then we headed upstairs to the Lecture Theatre for our Post Production class with Eric.

Professor Eric Weller doing his best teacherly pose.

Usually our 2nd Year bulletin board is full of call sheets. But today? One singular paper.

Adam has been known to lie on the floor and sleep during a few of Lee's films, but this time he was resting before Eric's class because he hadn't slept the night before.

Helen! Just before Post Production began.

Nathan was a Broadcasting student and came to our second semester after graduating from Broadcasting. Here he is in Post Production class.

Christine in Post Production class wearing a shirt that reads "Don't Hassel the Hoff" It's spectaculant.

And finally back downstairs to the film area to learn how to do sound mixing.

Eric and Adam in our film Sound Studio. I'm not sure if you can tell by these pictures, but Eric is one of the most intimidating teachers I've ever had. He's a nice guy, but I'm scared to ever approach him if he's busy. All of our Prof's are awesome though, and it's sad that we're losing three of them next semester! Lee, Jeremy and Dennis are all leaving. Lee and Jeremy have to as part of their contract, and Dennis is taking time off but he's not really much of a teacher anyways. He's good to talk to, but not good at teaching.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have 6 commercial scripts and an editing assignment due on Friday, plus a meeting tomorrow with Eric to pitch my film idea (which I have now and I love!).



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