played poker with money
gone swimming in a white t-shirt
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk
liked someone but never told them
gone camping
had a crush on your brother's/sister's friend
walked in the rain without an umbrella
told a joke that nobody thought was funny
been in a talent show
starting laughing at a bad time
worn something your mom didn't approve of
been to a nude beach
smoked a cigarette
smoked pot
drank smirnoff ice
drank jack daniels
cursed in a church
had sex in a hot tub
wanted to be a chef
burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener
wanted to be a police officer
dumped someone
been hit on by someone too old
wanted to be a model
bought lottery tickets
made out in a car
cried during a movie
wanted something//someone you couldn't have
had sex on the beach
had the drink, sex on the beach
fallin' for your best friend
been out of state
gone to wisconsin
gone to connecticut
gone to oregon
gone to maryland
gone to florida
gone to new york
gone to California
Gone to Canada
Gone to Kentucky
Gone to Idaho
seen someone shoplift
hung up on someone
yelled at your pet
tried to strip when drunk
gotten seasick
had a stalker
played a prank on someone that had them really scared
been embarrassed by your family
felt bad about eating meat
been to an island
been in love (or close)
ate just because you were bored
looked at something everyone thought was ugly and said "aww"
screamed in a library
wished a part of you was different
asked a girl/guy to dance
laughed so hard you cried
went up to a complete stranger and started talking
been sunburned
threw up in school
received an anonymous love letter
had to wear something you hated
been to a luau
cursed in front of your parents
been in a commercial on tv
watched a movie that made you miss your ex
been out of your country
won a pool
went to a party where you were the only sober one
went on a diet
been lost out to sea
been told an extremely stupid line
played truth-or-dare
cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend
been cheated on
been attacked by seagulls
been searched at an airport
thrown a shoe at someone
broke someone's heart
sung in the shower
bought something way too expensive
done something really stupid that you still laugh about
been walked in on when you were dressing
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie
been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back
been nice to someone then they don't return the favor
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
done something stupid when you were drunk
fell off your roof
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up to someone
Wish/wished you were someone else
had a deer jump in front of your car
threatened someone with a water gun
kissed your best friend
kissed a close friend
kissed your ex after dating
kissed one of your friend's ex
dated someone longer than a month
kissed a complete stranger
had sex with a complete stranger
called a tease
called a bitch
called a slut
Called ugly
cried for no reason
been to camp
been to sleep away camp
kept a secret from everyone else
like someone right now that no one knows about
lied to people
been arrested
Cried b/c the cops came
been quiet for the whole day
slept for the whole day
stayed up all night
played/play basketball on a team
played/play soccer on a team
played/play lacrosse on a team
played/play baseball/softball on a team
played/play hockey on a team
played/play field hockey on a team
played/play golf on a team
played/play tennis on a team
played/play volleyball on a team
swim/swam on a team
sailed/sail on a team
skiied/snowboard on a team
belong to a country club
belong to a yacht club
horse back ride
been mean to a sibling
talked on the phone all night long
gone to a concert
Mosed at a concert
snapped at a grandparent
hang out with family members
been so drunk/high you don't remember anything
lost something that meant a lot to you
gone fishing
gone scuba diving
gone sky diving
Wished someone dead
Wished yourself dead
Can you?:
unwrap a starburst with your tongue
open your eyes underwater
eat whatever you want and not have to worry
ice skate
sing in front of a crowd
be a bitch at times
do thirty pull ups
eat super spicy foods
sleep with lights on
touch your nose with your tongue
fall asleep easily in a car
do the cotton eyed joe
play DDR and not fail
fit in your locker
taste the difference between coke and pepsi
do a split
5 things you ate in the last 24 hours:
-a Popsicle
5 things you did so far today:
- went to wal-mart
- talked to JR on the phone
- Listened to music.
- Talked online.
-went to colonie
5 things you can hear right now:
- The air conditioner
- the sound of the key board
- a fan
- the phone ringing (its JR)
- Jrs voice
5 things you do when your bored:
- Call people.
- take stupid survey
- Listen to music.
- Go online.
- play gee tar
5 places to go in your area:
- wal-mart
- The mall.
- friends houses
- town park
- plaza?
5 people that never fail to cheer you up:
- Alex
- Morgan most of the time
- kaila
- Clara
- Kevin
5 things you cant live without:
- My computer.
- My friends.
- guys
- make up
- gum
5 things you love:
- My friends.
- Music.
- him
- my guitar
- my dog
5 of your favorite movies:
- grease
- garden state
- save the last dance
- The Notebook.
- 16 candles
5 favorite songs:
- me and the moon-something corporate
- the one that got away -allister
- the saddest song-streetlight manifesto
- Johnny quest thinks were sellouts-Ltj
- about a girl-nirvana
^got it from Kati.....