I hope they have Minecraft in heaven when I die...

May 16, 2012 12:42

Hello, my journal. How have you been? I never use you, huh?

Anyway, I have discovered my undying love for Minecraft, which is the best thing in the world for me seriously argh everything. Anywho, my newest project has been the dam base from Season 3 of Generator Rex. It's still a WIP and there's a lot of things that's not perfectly right, but it's pretty sweet so far and a a couple have said that they wouldn't mind seeing it. I have to say, I am kinda proud of some of it. XD

Keep in mind, if anyone notices something not right that I don't point out or if you think something should be different OR if you have any other ideas for it, I would love to hear it.

Let's get started.

We'll start where Rex did.

This is the room Rex awoke in... oh, Back in Black, I think? Anyway, as you can see I haven't been using the brown/red look for the base, because that would be wood and I've had bad experiences with wood. It burns. I've also taken a liking to the glowstones over the torches because it's about as close as I can get to real lights without using the lamps.

This is the view of the dam from the above window. Obviously unfinished which is why this is the ONLY picture of the exterior that you're going to see. Also, Six, what are your shades doing out there? OH and look at my puddle of a river. 8D This is just to show how much I still have to do.

This is the kitchen. That door leads to the room we just came from. Got the idea of a table and "chairs" from other Minecraft vids and stuff I've seen. And that block of iron over there is a fridge. XD Creativity, man. Also, this room leads out to the Hangar and the Petting Zoo. (These two rooms are over the Hangar.)

And here's the Hangar, complete with a sunset. That gate took a while to think up and I'm still considering just putting it all in iron bars... Anyway, this is a view from the walkway right out of kitchen.

And here's the view of the Hangar from ground level. As you can painfully see, it's very bare. I'm still considering adding that airship thingy and that tank, but I really don't know right now. So far, all we have is Rex's room/RV thing... AND YES IT IS MADE OF WOOD. I wanted to use something brown that wasn't wool, so I used planks of wood. Do not judge me. It's also on the wrong side of the Hangar and I knew this when I was building it. I put it over there (under the kitchen) so it would take up less room in case I decided to add those other things, because they would be pretty big.

Rex's room. It's minus a bunk bed and that chunk of diamond up there is acting like a TV and he's all about the torches, but, yes, Rex's room. Not much to it. Kind of small. But I would think he likes it. I was considering adding a little hole for Bobo in here, too, but I don't know... During Rex's 6 month missing spell, he probably grabbed his own room and it's probably glorious. XD I haven't built anything like that yet, but it's in the plans.

Now, let's leave the Hangar area.

Here's the Petting Zoo from the ground level. I plan to add more plants and junk, but I'm not sure about "EVOs" right now. They would travel around, you know. XD But anyway, it looks really pretty during the daytime. I have three huge skylights and windows all over and there's a little stream of water in the back there (that you can't see). Also, directly behind me is doors leading outside. This and the Hangar doors are, and will be, the only ways out of the base. Since those are the plans right now. On the left up there, you will go into the Hangar through the first opening and kitchen in the second. On the right, you'll go into a hallway leading to more rooms. But in the back...

THE LAB. (Also, every room is labelled except the hall.) All doors to the lab open from both ways only using the lever. I am so clever~

And this is the LAB. I am so proud of this just because of all the DAHKNESS. I had to change it to peaceful mode so that monsters would stop spawning in here. They were driving me nuts. As you can see, I didn't have blue lights, but these work well enough. Straight across is White Knight's sterile quarters, but I haven't started working on that yet (so it technically leads to a very tall drop). The other door leads out into the hallway, so we'll just go back the way we came and start at the hall from the beginning.

And this is the hallway. As you can see, we're almost done here. All we have left is the cell block and gym (both double doors shown lead to the gym). Directly across from the gym is the second entrance into the lab.

Now, the cell block can only be opened and closed with a lever from the outside. Smart, eh? (Some may call it common sense.)

Here's the cell that some of you will recognize from the ep Mind Games as Scarecrow's cell. It's not green (again, don't have colored lights) but it works well enough.

This is the gym. I made bleachers. 8D Also, a wooden mat because this is Six's domain and what is safety. Those scary WTF things over there are training dummies. Why the hell not? And there's a cauldron/sink over there filled with water, because the boys will get all hot and sweaty beating the shit out of each other. Now, I know we've seen them training in other places on base, but headcanon says that, while they do have this, it's not really big enough for a lot of Rex's builds like the Hangar is. Plus, they can't annoy Holiday if they're cooped in here all day.

And that is it!

I still plan to finish White's room, plus Holiday's room, Six's room, a sick bay, one or two bathrooms, Bobo's GLORIOUS chambers, but that's all the ideas I have. If you guys got more, again, I'd love to hear them. Questions, comments, critics, bring it.

minecraft, generator rex

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