Feb 02, 2016 00:28
I’ve registered at the dating site a week ago. On the first day I’ve chatted with five guys, then I’ve answered couple more people; then I took a break for a day or two, got back and chatted more. I couldn’t help but notice some similarities in interactions with strangers, something that I’m going to share with you.
Befriending a guy goes through certain phases.
Phase one.
-Hey, let’s chat. Our profiles align. Your profile intrigued me (profile is vague, there is no picture, description says “I’m an average girl”). So you play piano?
Meaning: I want to fuck. Why not to do it with you?
Phase two.
-What are you looking for?
Meaning: I want to let you know that I don’t want any responsibilities, relationships and all that love bullshit. I want a free fuck, and hopefully you won’t fuck my brain or ask for anything.
Phase three.
-Do you have a picture? (Duh!)
Meaning: I want to know if I can handle your beauty without drinking too much beer.
Phase four.
-Hey, we should meet soon. When could we meet? Do you want to meet?
Meaning: I live in a small town across the province. I will have an hour from 4 to 5pm next Wednesday and I want to fuck you then and there before my wife gets back from work. I’ll be done and you’ll go home.
If you gradually go towards the phase four, the guy starts showing his warmth and affection:
-I will ffffuck you so good and hard. I won’t disappoint, baby.
Meaning: I am scared to death that you might say ‘no’ at any moment, and I am scared even more that you might say ‘yes’, because I will have to do something about it, and probably risk my married life.
Yes, dating is lots of fun. Go and check that zoo yourself if you want.
Your average girl.