From Normal to Stalker: Oh my days. Part one

Apr 20, 2011 10:09

 Part one:

“ One mocha large. Make it skinny will you?” i ask the the girl behind the counter giving her my most disarming smile. The girl blushes; Naturally. How many people do actually smile at the counter girls/boys hmm? Anyway to come across my smile would have definitely made her day. I grin to myself and take my coffee, oops mocha to my favorite spot in the far end of the cafe and settle down to obviously look at the people around and comment,appreciate,criticize,commend everything bout them rite down to their underwear if i can see it rise above their jeans. This is a habit i have picked up, to come to this very normal looking cafe, which is situated right between Italian service bureau and cafe express which is italy’s well known coffee shop. When i ordered for mocha did u think i was in starbucks?? bah!!! This is Italy. There are no starbucks here, if they were, they will obviously close down. We in the sense, people here do not appreciate the american excuse for coffee. Anyway getting back to the point about the habit i have developed, coming to the cafe is a new one but this commenting, appreciating, criticizing, commending about people is something i have been doing for quite a while. Call me a snob and you wouldn’t be half wrong, after all i do wear Armani suit, a L.V watch and gucci shoes. Well thats my affluence speaking for you, in my business it pays to be well dressed. Well i am an Interior Designer. What? did i just hear you say cliche? Hold your horses there. When i said interior designer i meant Vehicle interior Designer. Yes it is a job and its as macho as tree lugging. YES! and it pays a hell lot ,of course now u can wonder what my dressing has got to do with the job!

I, Ronald Graham Moscovitz 26 yrs of age work for Lamborgini. As a interior designer. I am half russian and half british as you can see, i inherited my Dad’s Height, Brown hair and blue eyes. Thankfully i did not inherit anything from my mother except for the dimples. Because you know, british women/men are well not really upto my taste. I have a french grandmother, and hence the snobbish attitude of mine, as i grew up in Paris surrounded by arts, civilized people and delicious cakes. Not the cold and rain which is the only thing connecting russia and britan, and no i stopped visiting my paternal grandmother as soon as i turned 14. She started visiting after that. Sigh!

Anyway back to the cafe, as i said its a new habit i picked up, basically because i have , upon arriving in Barcelona  turned into a stalker. Ok! Not the type you are imagining. A more refined one. A refined stalker if u may. But a stalker nevertheless. I have had one sided crushes back in my days, say when i was 5 or 6, but since puberty women and men fall at my feet. Initially i was bi-curious, then became a bi. and now gay sometimes sleeping with women. I have sort of evolved. I find women very tiring, to say the least. Actually i stared sleeping with men just to get rid of this one very persistent girlfriend of mine. Then i realized i actually like it with men better. Hmm. since you asked i will tell you. I do both. I can be the pitcher and the batter as well. I prefer to keep rotating. I do have a habit of digressing as you can see.

Anyway back to the point, you see one day when i was getting ready to escape from the office to catch a opera show( my refined tastes you see) i was called in by my boss who is a very amiable, friendly demon named Cassendra Fluval. It was when i entered her office that i momentarily lost my vision, my heart skipped a beat and everything else happened just as it is described in “10 signs to know when its love” . Only i did not get the man i wanted, instead i turned into a stalker. Oh my Days!!! Fernando Villia ( Vi-ya) 28 yrs of age, spaniard brought up in america, NY to be exact, bachelor degree in Automobile Engineering with a minor in electrical engineering, masters degree in Vehicle Safety with a minor in vehicle electronics, worked for Toyota for 5 yrs was in a way an complete gear head with obviously no appreciation for the fine arts. Obviously was also the most good looking man i have ever laid eyes on, when i am not looking into the mirror.

Imagine when u finally meet a man who matches all your fetishes to the F. Glasses check! Long hair check! 3-day stubble check, although that might be due to the traveling, never mind that. Check! Tall-dark-handsome Triple check! Will you blame me if i turned into one? hmm? Will you blame me if i actually jumped him then and there? hmm?? Sigh!! The reasons as to why i became a stalker are to follow in the next few lines, read carefully. I will not repeat!
subject to further edit. 

new story, from normal to stalker, yaoi

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