Jan 03, 2005 21:21
tom smith's wise words
you cant do much more than try ur hardest ya know
I am supposed to call him tomorrow to talk. But a part of me wishes he would call then...or now even. I just want to see him take that extra step so badly. That step that he never takes. Im always the one that ends up patching things up or giving in..and for once i would love for him to call and apologize for being just a jerk. But i know it wont happen. Im going to end up calling and tell him that i am sorry for over-reacting...being irrational--over emotional--the lot.
I feel like if i left him tomorrow..it wouldnt even phase him. I want someone who will fight for me. But he would never do that. Is that bad? Should i leave him based on that alone. He means so much to me. I just wish I was 100% positive that I meant that much to him...is that too much to ask?
If only boys knew how easy it was to please a girl...If he called me right now and said i miss you and im sorry i would be extatic. Are those words so difficult to say??
i just dont know what to do. I am so impatient. And i refuse to sit by the phone. Tomorrow i think im going to keep it as far away from me as possible. I might even be to afraid to call him. just because im afraid that things arent going to be any different. Im afraid that things are only going to get worse.
i hate this.
at least my livejournal looks pretty now...