Mar 09, 2010 07:16
So, I have a bit of a My Little Pony collection. With about zero interest in anything that came out after 1992.
And Bina loves them!!
She plays with them all day, making them talk to each other, prancing them all over the place,
and last night when she went to bed, she had them all lined up by her pillow and because she's so young that none of the ponies have names yet, she pointed to each and said goodnight to them by colour.
"N'-night, Blue, Ni'night, Baby Pink, Ni'night, yellow..." and so on.
Every time I get a package in the mail, she gets all excited and says
"Pony?! Pony?!"
And I tightly braid each one's hair and fasten it before I give it to her so the hair won't get frayed and ruined. No matter what adventures she takes them on.
I love my Bina. It feels so good to share this with her.
Even if I'm hiding away "Baby Princess Sparkle" in my desk until she turns 5. :)