
Jul 08, 2011 13:47


Backtagging: Yes, please!
Threadjacking: As long as it doesn't interrupt anything important.
Fourthwalling: If it's IC for your character to know who Daisy Lowe is. Otherwise, no.
Is there anything offensive to you that we should be mindful of? Nope.


Hugging, kissing, touching, flirting with this character? Asha responds well to physical touch, but if you move onto hugging and kissing without prior development, she will not react well. Flirting is unlikely to be understood, unless she's reading you.
Fighting, injuring, and killing this character? Yes, but please discuss injury and death first.
Any other info? Asha is a the combination of two strong witch bloodlines. As such, her abilities are incredibly powerful. While she must keep most of these abilities under tight control due to the risk to herself, some of them can't be shut down.


All of Acacio's children hold a connection to one another, and have some constant sense of whether their siblings are well or not. For the strongest, this can be as precise and powerful as being able to locate their siblings, and know exactly what they're doing. For the weaker, it's limited to something closer to a gut feeling. The dreamchasers in their number, caught in the drift as they are, are no longer so closely connected to this net, and can be easily lost.

An overreaching awareness of the world and people around her. As one of the strongest, Asha can have minor premonitions, as well as display telepathy. She can look at the history of a place, see the lives that passed through it, and any emotional residue left behind. She has an awareness of the abilities of other beings she encounters, and can also tell whether their motivations are good or malevolent.

Asha can manipulate the minds of others (thoughts, emotions, memories), as well as create energy out of the air around her in both attack and defence.


Looking inside a person and see everything there freely, be it their thoughts and feelings at that moment, their deeper impulses, their memories, or their abilities.

Her power's automatic reaction to looking within another is to emulate them in every way possible. In the most complete form of this, Asha's own personality, thoughts, feelings and abilities are pushed aside. She is essentially no longer herself. Though this should degrade slowly over time, it is incredibly difficult for her to find her way back from this state without outside help.

As when fully reflecting another she contains everything about them, she can, with careful concentration, keep parts within herself (example: taking and carrying the entirety of another's memories). She can do this with abilities or powers, too, but as those are usually active things, and there is something of a paradox within the cycle of needing her own abilities to reflect another's, they will degrade and fade over time.

The most difficult and powerful of her abilities is in keeping herself pushed into another and directly effecting them from the inside. She can direct someone's thoughts or memories, close down their abilities, or even delve into the depths of their neural system and shut down parts of their body.

I'd like to assure my fellow players that I will never use her abilities against another character without the player's prior permission. I have no interest in disrupting anyone else's enjoyment and will be as courteous and considerate to my fellow players as possible. Asha will keep any information she sees to herself, and will not go spouting off to all and sundry about things she's gleaned from your character's mind.

I won't be using Asha's stronger and more dangerous abilities without some player/plot discussion beforehand, so the form below is only for her more passive and constant abilities in order of increasing strength.

Note: Asha can't read anything over the PORTAL.

Player name:
Character name:

Can Asha ____ in their interactions:
Know your character's general nature? (Please specify what it is, can use alignments if you like.)
Be aware of your character's species/abilities? (Please specify what they are!)
Sense your character's feelings?
See your character's thoughts?
Be aware of important events in your character's past?

After repeated positive CR, can Asha:
Be aware of your character's general state of wellbeing, even at great distance?
Be able to locate your character?

Anything else you'd like to add?

Player name:
Character name:

Can Asha ____ in their interactions:
Know your character's general nature?
Be aware of your character's species/abilities?
Sense your character's feelings?
See your character's thoughts?
Be aware of important events in your character's past?

After repeated positive CR, can Asha:
Be aware of your character's general state of wellbeing, even at great distance?
Be able to locate your character?

Anything else you'd like to add?


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