Oct 11, 2011 23:43
Konnichiwa to myself.
Was reading my past LJ entries, and i didn't notice that it's all related about NEWS.
It's really a sad news that NEWS became a smaller group that consist of 4 person.
But I shall just let it go and anticipate for the future NEWS!
No matter what happen, I'm sure that we, FANS OF NEWS will NEVER GIVE UP HOPES ON THEM! Stand!Up NEWS!
Remember Never. Ending. Wonderful. Story.
Every Weeeek, we will face the computer, awaiting for their NEWS.
Pacific Album has TOUCH my "PRIVATE" HEART.
Being a KOI NO ABO, will support NEWS forever!
I know i'm typing nonsense but just bear with me. Was really shocked and heartbroken when they announced it through johnny's web.
But not to worry, I strongly believe that Hey Say! Jump! will keep me accompany during this period with lots of yabuness and hikaruness. Not forgeting yamada X chinen (magic power). Moreover, Daiki, Inno, Takki, Yuto, Keito and Morimoto. I know their their JUMP No. 1 will help me in it.
Apart from fandoming, i shall update on other stuffs.
Reading back my entries, I can't believe that I'm so open to post my poly results on the internet.
Being an old girl now, I will never do that again.
But recently, I'm quite stressful over university life. So LJ, allow me to rant ok!
Exams are coming, projects deadlines are approaching. Feels the burden on my shoulder but shall carry on with it till the day I get my degree. My dream is to work in Japan. I believe that I can do it. Just like what i dreamed in the past, to enter a uni..........
Wish me luck!
future news future min