Unfortunately, we must say farewell to another icon-maker:
Eliminated with -4 votes:
half_lit_world I'm sorry to see you go, hun!
People's Choice with + 5 votes:
good_memories tallies:
Icons 1 & 7: -3 = -3
Icons 4 & 5: +5 = +5
Icons 7 & 2: +1 / -3 = -2
Icons 6 & 3: +3 / -5 = -2
Icons 2 & 6: +4 / -1 = +3
Icons 5 & 1: -4 = -4
Icons 3 & 4: +4 / -2 = +2
Needs Improvement:
Icons 1 & 7:
07: the icon is blurry. the way the picture is cropped is really unfortunate (cutting one eye off) as is the centered placement of edward's face and bellas hands.
007 - Coloring is too dark, texture is a bit overpowering
007: Its too blurry and the crop isn't very well placed
Icons 7 & 2:
07 - The icon is too dark.
07: too little contrast
07-The font overwhelms the icon slightly
Icons 6 & 3:
03 - The icon is too light because the texture is over Edward and Bella's face.
003 - Texture overpowers the icon
03-the texture makes the skin on their faces look an odd colour
003- The coloring is too yellow, Rob and Kristen almost blend in with the background
3 - The texture used washes the icon out.
Icons 2 & 6:
002: Its a bit on the red side
Icons 5 & 1:
1 background would be better if it wasn't the same color as her sweater
005- text placement is awkward
001 - dull colouring + unnessecery texture use, it seems out of place
5 - The font choice doesn't really go well with the icon.
Icons 3 & 4:
3 the placement of the text overloads the bottom half of the icon
003- Oversharpened
Icons 4 & 5:
5 nicely cropped and good color
005 - Excellent crop and use of color
04-Nice cropping
05-nice cropping
4 - Love the crop and the clarity of the icon.
Icons 7 & 2:
002 - great black + white tones
Icons 6 & 3:
06 - Great cropping.
6 interesting crop
006 Great cropping!
Icons 2 & 6:
002 - Great crop and coloring
002- great colour
006- Great coloring
6 - Very nice coloring.
Icons 3 & 4:
04 - Great colouring, I love the bright colours! :)
003: The tiny text and neg space work really well
004: I love the colour and its nicely sharpened