Mar 26, 2009 08:51

An English assignment modeled after the poem 1996

Who are you reading curiously this poem of ours a hundred years from now?
Do you still feel the summer breeze
Strong as the ocean's wave?
Is the sun still beating down
Tanning the skins
Of young and old
Filling the mornings
With hot light
A hundred years from now?

Face your eyes to the skies.
Do the stars still twinkle
And dot the night?
Gaze far beyond your vision
Of the real world
And float between imagination
And the green, green grass
That is spotted with flowers and weeds
And seas and lakes and oceans.
Are we swallowed by the water
That surrounds us everyday?

And think, do you exist
Just as we breath?
Do you laugh and love
And grow like a flower
Blossoming in the sunlight
Just like we do
One morning a hundred years ago?

A hundred years from now
Who will lead your life?
Is it your own free will?
Are we free from oppression
All except the sun's rays
That beat down during our favorite time of the year?
May the stars always burn brightly
And the earth spin 'round
And your heart beat
And the bees murmur
And the leaves rustle --
A hundred years from now.

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