Why Use Green Or Eco Friendly Cleaning Products From Commercial Maintenance Chemical Corp

Aug 31, 2011 16:23

Eco friendly and green are the key words today. Some people still feel that they can use the products that they have been for years and do not see why they should change. Why use green or eco friendly cleaning products instead of chemicals

One of the many reasons that people do not want to try these products is that they believe that the product will not work as well. All of those chemicals certainly do a magnificent job in making everything absolutely spotless. However all of those chemicals are leeching into your cupboard. Furthermore we are exposing ourselves, and our children, to items that produce allergies and sensitivities.

Not only the chemicals but also the production, transportation, and packaging are leaving a carbon footprint. Many items contain bleach, which is extremely toxic. Many of the products that contain some bleach are those that you are using in your home.

Three simple items we all have in our home can be very basic products to use when cleaning. Baking soda, white vinegar, and toothpaste are the products that can get much of your home clean. There are so many uses for these items it is astounding. And what is more amazing is that they do work.

Baking soda is a marvelous cleaner for your microwave. Put it on a damp sponge and rub gently on the inside and outside of the microwave. Finish off by rinsing very well with water. Those curtains in your shower can become very offensive. Put the soda on a moist sponge or brush and scrub the curtain. Rinse well and dry.

Vinegar has so many uses you can clean almost anything. Your shower is looking grimy because the grout is very soiled in the tile. Let vinegar sit in the grout then by using a toothbrush on this grout you will remove the grime. The vinegar will also remove bacteria and any mold that has started to grow. The children were having an artistic moment and used crayon on the wall. No chemical product is necessary here. Simply put some toothpaste on a cloth, rub the wall, and the crayon disappears.

We all can contribute to saving the environment by starting to use eco friendly cleaning products. By using these products you can also save some money. Find out all of the ways to go green.

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Clinica cirugia estetica Sevilla

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