my academic title and my nonexistent balls.

Sep 13, 2009 20:01


(I don´t know how to make that sparkly, if I knew, I would. really.) I am officially a Bachelor of Science; and the final test was surprisingly easy. But DAMN, that´s awesome. On Thursday will be the official Bachelorparty; which means we will get our diplomas and have a glass of sekt. >_> way to go, school. I am surprised how much of my classmates ar just not going and want to get their diplomas sent to via mail. I mean I know it´s not INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT to get it in person, but I mean - it IS a step to our M.Sc; at least show a little bit of involvement O_Ö At first I wanted to ask my parents to come; but as I asked around who would come, most people either don´t come at all, or come alone. Which, as it turns out, was futile anyway cause my Dad lives in Sweden and my mum is out of country with her boyfriend. DUH. So, I asked my sister and my roommate/bestfriend. Sister decided to wear a pant suit with a white tie; and roommate will wear a Dirndl (probably.). I love them both. But what kind of outfit should I wear to complete that impression? Lederhosen, probably.

BUT the lack of celebration school-wise doesn´t mean that I didn´t celebrate for real. xD I motivated everyone in the dorms for at least ONE party, and damn. We started at 8 in the evening, and R., who was the last to go after we talked about stuff (read: is feelings! man, I didn´t know men could do that) left at 5 in the morning. I´d call it a successful evening. Even if I had to clean the kitchen for an hour the next morning.. it was fun.

Since then, I have decidedly too much time; which - strangely - just ... gets lost. I mean - Monday was the test and due to lack of sleep i fell asleep at 4 in the afternoon and woke up at 9 cause my mom called me and yelled "WHEEEEE!" into my ear. xD Tuesday I was hungover and cleaning the kitchen, and driving home.
Wednesday we visited our uncle & aunt, friday I went out to eat with L., who I haven´t seen for two months. Also: fun! Except for the part where she drove me to the train station, where I get ALWAYS talked to by people I don´t know and suspect they are drunk. I hate that. No, random stranger, I don´t want to talk to you at 11 in the evening about your job; also I don´t want to give you my phone number or go "for a drink" with you.

Saturday I hung out with my sister, and today I finally had time to play Playstation2. I couldn´t decide between all the Final Fantasys; so I once again played Kingdom Hearts 2. Which, if I remember correctly from the first (and only..) time playing it, sucks.
BUT I will give it the benefit of doubt and try it again. Even now, at 1 hour into the game I can say: IT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE THEN AT THE FIRST TIME. DAMN, the first time I played it I went "huh?" all the time.

Also, today I was creative enough to try to cook something called "Kartoffelpuffer" (no idea what it is in english.). "Try" being the operative word, as it was ... edible, but not much more. I have to ask my mother how she made them when I was little, cause apparently, four years of cooking in school didn´t prepare me for it. It´s about as difficult as pancakes Which, I believe, speaks volumes.

Aside from my kitchen!FAIL, I don´t have much to say. Except: after a week I still chicken out of calling my FBI-Grandma to tell her that I have my Bachelor. She will - as always - go: "Bachelor? What is that. And what kind of job will you get with that... title?"
Grandma, I love you, but sometimes I want to kick your ass.

Also, It´s ridiculous HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS.Oh, Fall On Your Sword. How much I love you.

AND I want to go see District 9. But R., who I asked today, said he´s out of town and he saw it already; and E., who wants to see it, is not home for another two weeks. Damn. There´s noone else around who might want to see it. It´s hard to be the only "Nerd" in my circle of friends.

that is all.

family, games, rambling, school, life

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