deadlines & viruses don´t mix well

Aug 13, 2009 04:59



so hard.

At 5 in the morning, while I was polishing up my final essay for school Antivir went crazy and shot out 15 different warnings about a trojan. OF COURSE IT DID. After all, there was a deadline to meet! So I saved everything on the external harddriveg and prayed.
Seconds after that: BLUESCREEN OF DOOM.

Then, for over an hour, I set up XP again. As the idiot I am, I thought "I´ll just do it the fast way without formatting the harddrive." Which lead to my pc not really working very well.
Then I thought: "Okay. Another hour of installing, this time WITH formatting the harddrive."
So then, my install disc decides to not work anymore. Of course. Then I decide: alright. I have to go to sleep at least for a few hours, then I´ll head to university, finish the essay there and send it to my teacher.

So, I sleep (and dream of Prime!Spock ´cause my head is a strange place), wake up, discover that my PC REALLY isn´t working (´cause I dreamt I was just imagining that), made coffee and went to university. Which, I discovered, is locked up cause tomorrow is a holiday. Then I thought: "hm, maybe it´s just my ID-card" (that ran out in june, cause masters program is starting in september which is when I will get my new card)
went back to dorm, met a friend of mine (whose card is still working), borrowed his card and - surprise - STILL DIDNT GET INTO UNIVERSITY. At that time, it was 6 in the evening; deadline was midnight.
So I call M., a friend of mine, for help. She says: come over, I´ll lend you my install disc for windows 7.
So I head over, get the disc, run back, try to boot my PC from it, but PC says: "not found". and decides to boot normal XP, which wasn´t working before, but now it was.

Then I thought: hm, maybe, if I ignore Murphy, he´ll go away by himself and I will manage to get internet access for research and use my PC. Which, of course, didn´t work.
So at nearly 7 now I call a friend of mine who works in the same city as I study in and drives home everyday back to where he lives (which is where my mum lives with her ancient - but working - laptop) and ask him if he could take me with him. He could, I got home, and started finishing my essay. Although the deadline was supposed to be at midnight, the upload for it is still open right now (it´s five in the morning.).
My essay wasn´t exactly finished (the content was okay, but Word is evil and kept messing up my indexes), but hey - at my university, little to no one seems to care anyway.
The real hand-in is on monday, when it has to be printed out and in hardcover.

But I mean - what the fuck? Why did that happen today? Why not tomorrow? I mean, it still would have been shitty; but I nearly had a stroke today from stressing around. fuck! damnit. It took so much TIME away. I could have gotten at least the formatting right. *headdesk*

So, the end of the story is: my PC is working again, miraculously, but internet isn´t. When I called E., IT-expert friend of mine, he said: "you have to call the dorm-management, internet locks down when you catch a virus and you have to tell them to activate it for you again."
I DIDNT KNOW THAT. what the fuck. So, I will call them on monday and until then, I will stay home (at my mothers place, where the laptop is working AND has internet).

It´s frightening how dependent I am on the Internet and/or my pc.

Also, I am actually not supposed to be home. My mom is on holiday with her boyfriend and asked my grandma to "watch the house", water the plants, take out the mail etc. My grandma, whom my sister and me like to compare to "The FBI" (knows everything, asks all kind of weird questions, notices everything) will probably come here at 6 in the morning (´cause she always complains that she doesn´t sleep well), water the plants and get a heart attack when she sees that I am here. Although there is no reason to have a heart attack when my stuff is lying around everywhere, my keys are plain in sight on the board next to the door, my shoes are there and everything. My grandma is just strange and will, after shouting at me for startling her (when I am sitting on the couch, reading a book), probably invite me for chinese food.


(also, did anyone ever notice, that the last 10 Beyonce-videos are all the same? same strange outfits, same strange dance moves, black and white? did noone ever tell her that jokes don´t get better the often you hear them..? also, what the fuck?
"I want to be taken seriously as a professional musician. But here, look at my nearly naked, bouncing breasts while I shake my ass into the camera while only wearing underwear! HOW DARE YOU NOT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY FOR MY MUSIC!!!!"
The Pussycat Dolls are at least honest and sell theirselves for what they are.)

I think I will go to bed now. Urgh

I don´t even - that doesn´t even make se, wtf, murphys law, late night rambling

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