Poprocks and Jellytots

Dec 07, 2004 19:12

Today was pretty awesome for the most part, minus a few things, but I'm going to focus on the good in order to keep myself happy, and to cheer other people up (hopefully).

1. I've heard Clay Aiken approximately 50 times on the radio in the past week. This needs to stop.

2. The first thing I saw today coming back to school was a guy in a Santa outfit hauling a guitar over his shoulder. Still don't know what the purpose was, but it pretty much made my day.

3. No Physics test today!! *blows party thing* Except now it's tomorrow, and I'm starting to get nervous. I'll probably go study some more after this.

4. Talked to Mr. Flimflam today which only made me even more incredibly confused.

5. Ashley talked in third person the whole time in computers today with Kari, Bryan, and Greg. Ashley couldn't stop laughing. Ashley had fun.

6. I saw the most unexpected person today and it scared the holy crap out of me. I saw...I saw...No, I can't bring myself to say it...all right...It was...it was...Mrs. Waibel! (I know, it's a curse word, but I couldn't help it) She was in my computers class!! And now she's a counselor. I don't know why, but the idea of someone who made numerous respectable 9th graders cry becoming a counselor is quite scary. She noticed me and who I was, but I didn't say anything or make note that she was there. I think she was pregnant. Joy.

7. Erm...I think that's all? We're not focusing on the bad things, so, yes, I believe that's it.

8. Fin.

I'm going to try to make tomorrow is as good as today was, but happier and more informative. My horoscope is horribly messed up and says I'm going to spend a lot of money and basically go broke, which is crap b/c everyone knows I never spend money if i can help it...plus if you read it a day ahead, you know NOT to spend money. Honestly, they make things so complicated.

Just remember, I love you all. I just thought I'd let you know. :-)
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