Blair Waldorf Oh, you know your Yale trivia! Are you interested in the university as well? It's such a beautiful, wonderful place. I'm sure they'd love to have your singing talents there, should you apply.
Blair Waldorf That's the spirit! Everything goes good with a Yale diploma, especially awards that are only given to the best of the best. Daddy keeps his in a beautiful frame on the wall in Paris. He even has a special Yale room in honor of it.
Blair Waldorf I do. They're perfect for us hopefuls. After all, what kind of girl doesn't look at the sky every now and then and make wishes on stars? As dreamy as it sounds, I still do it, I admit.
Blair Waldorf Oh, good choice. Madonna always picks the best roles. I wish ... for other things. Things that will probably never happen, but you can't help but ... hope.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ T-that's not true Blair. You're pretty and smart, and you...dress nicely and say all the right things. Someone like you can always get what she wants.
Blair Waldorf likes this.
Blair Waldorf Oh, you know your Yale trivia! Are you interested in the university as well? It's such a beautiful, wonderful place. I'm sure they'd love to have your singing talents there, should you apply.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ I suppose among a diploma will look great among the Tony awards I am destined to receive -
Blair Waldorf That's the spirit! Everything goes good with a Yale diploma, especially awards that are only given to the best of the best. Daddy keeps his in a beautiful frame on the wall in Paris. He even has a special Yale room in honor of it.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ That sounds amazing Blair -
Blair Waldorf Daddy is amazing. He was able to achieve his dream. ... He's a role model to me. Anyone who fights for their dreams are.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ likes this.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ Just like Patti Lupone!
Blair Waldorf Yes, and the ever beautiful Audrey Hepburn. Such an inspiration.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ Though she didn't sing at My Fair Lady, I do appreciate her facial expressions
Blair Waldorf I appreciate your appreciation of such a talented, perfect actress! Excellent taste in movies, Rachel. Gold star.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ Gold stars are my thing, you know! They're metaphors for my upcoming stardom.
Blair Waldorf I know, I've seen your name on sign up sheets followed by the adorable little stickers. Excellent choice, might I add.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ You like them?
Blair Waldorf I do. They're perfect for us hopefuls. After all, what kind of girl doesn't look at the sky every now and then and make wishes on stars? As dreamy as it sounds, I still do it, I admit.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ I do too. One of my biggest wishes is leading the role of Evita.
Blair Waldorf Oh, good choice. Madonna always picks the best roles. I wish ... for other things. Things that will probably never happen, but you can't help but ... hope.
Rachel Barbara Berry ★ T-that's not true Blair. You're pretty and smart, and you...dress nicely and say all the right things. Someone like you can always get what she wants.
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