Title: Lonely Ch 3
Author: limnological
Rating: PG
Pairing: YoonYul
Description: AU, Slice of life
Chapter 3
Day 2
Yuri kept true to Yoona’s suggestion about talking as much as she was comfortable with. Their walks to and from school were still quiet, but very comfortable for Yuri. It wasn’t until they were near Yuri’s house that Yoona piped up a conversation.
“I was wondering… How bad is your vision without your glasses?”
“Define ‘bad.’”
“Almost blind.”
Yoona gasped at the answer and they stopped walking. She turned to face Yuri and held up her hand for her.
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Two. I can tell it’s two, but they’re very blurry.”
Yoona frowned. “I feel awful that I broke your glasses.”
I know.
“I know.”
Yuri blinked twice, amazed that her voice was working with her thoughts today. She decided to push it further.
“But it’s okay because I know.”
Yoona smiled at the reassurance Yuri was trying to convey.
“I’m going to work extra hard to pay it back. Don’t worry!”
Yoona continued walking and Yuri smiled at her sincerity and determination.
Day 3
Today they sat in the courtyard in Yuri’s favorite spot side by side again. Yoona had just returned with an abundance of food from the cafeteria. The large amount of breads, sandwiches, snacks and juice piqued an interest in Yuri. The curiosity was so strong that it caused Yuri to ask a question.
“Do you eat all of that?”
Yoona’s face was definitely full of surprise to hear Yuri speak first, but she did not let the opportunity slip away.
“Yeah, I usually eat this much.”
Yuri’s eyes widened as her eyes travelled from the ham sandwich to the bag of chips to the apple to the yogurt to the turkey sandwich and so forth.
“That’s… a lot.”
The response made Yoona chuckle.
“It is a lot. I’m not sure why but I can eat really large amounts. Maybe it’s because I’m a growing girl or…” She grinned mischievously at Yuri, “… maybe there’s secretly a second Im Yoona out there in another dimension and I eat so much because she can’t. Maybe I’m supplying her nutrients for her.”
It was a joke and much to Yoona’s glee, Yuri laughed softly at it.
“That’s really silly.”
Finished with her lunch, Yuri set her boxed lunch down and picked up her sketchpad. She flipped to a new page and tapped her pencil against it.
How about dresses today?
After sipping from her juice straw, Yoona peeked over at Yuri’s sketchpad.
“Hrm?” Yuri kept her gaze focused on the design she was currently sketching.
“Do you think one day I could see your designs?”
Yuri stilled her hand and blushed slightly. “I can show you now.”
Yoona grinned, setting aside her food. “I would love that.”
Yuri quickly flipped through the pages of her sketch book, finding the designs she was most proud of.
“This one’s my favorite. It’s a part of the Winter Collection I’m working on. I really like scarves. Oh and this one’s a favorite, too. I’m not very good at designing dresses, but I’m doing my best.”
Yoona blinked twice at how fast and much Yuri was suddenly talking.
“You really like fashion, don’t you?”
“Yeah! I love it. I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up.”
“That’s really cool that you know what you want to be and you’re really pursuing it, Yuri.”
“I’ve always known since I was a child.” Yuri nodded excitedly. “Look at this jacket.”
“Woah, these are really good! I really like this one.”
They continued looking at Yuri’s designs together for the majority of lunch time.
“You’ve really got talent, Yuri. I hope you get to become a famous fashion designer.”
“Thank you…” Yuri shyly accepted the praise. “What about you?”
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I’m not quite sure…”
“Was there something you wanted to do when you were little?”
Yoona contemplated it and then let out a light chuckle at the thought of it as she looked up to the sky.
“I wanted to be an actress one day.” There is no confidence in Yoona’s voice as she confided in Yuri.
“I think…” Yuri speaks softly as she flips open to a new page in her sketchbook, “…If it makes you happy, you should try it.”
Yoona glanced down from the sky, eyes now fixated onto Yuri who was now sketching in her sketchbook again.
“Thanks for the advice, Yuri.”
Yuri said nothing else in response, causing Yoona to smile softly.
Surely but slowly, she was discovering the different sides of Kwon Yuri.
Day 4
Today they walked along the streets quiet and comfortably yet again. Yuri was lost in her thoughts about what to make for dinner tonight.
Should I make chicken with -
The loud tune coming from Yoona’s cellphone interrupted her thoughts. Yoona reached into her pocket and answered it.
“Hello? Hi Dad!” Her voice became chipper and excited. “I’m just walking Yuri home now. Yes, I’ll be home late tonight… I’ll be careful. Okay… Yes. I love you, too.”
The conversation was short, but the smile on Yoona’s face convinced Yuri that it had been sweet. Yoona continued to beam happily as her steps became livelier than before the phone call.
“You seem happy.” Yuri stated the obvious as Yoona grinned wider.
“I am! I get to see my dad tonight.”
Do you not normally get to see him?
“Do you not normally get to see him?” Again, Yuri was surprised that her voice and thoughts were aligning again.
Yoona nodded and her smile faded into something sadder and softer.
“He’s a very busy man. When he gets home, I’m usually asleep. When he leaves for work, I’m also asleep. But still, I’m very lucky. I’m still close to him. We’re all we’ve got anyways.”
The last sentence piqued Yuri’s interest.
“All you’ve got?”
“My mom passed away when I was little and I’m an only child.”
“Oh. We’re almost the same.”
“I’m an only child, but my mom left us when I was little.”
“Are you close to your dad too?”
Yuri shook her head. “We don’t speak much. He’s not much of a talker and well, I’m not either.”
“Oh…” Yoona’s voice became softer in understanding.
They shared similar family structures, but different foundations.
Day 5
The morning to her Friday started off strange for Yuri. She stood still, unsure of what her ears had just heard.
Yoona repeated her last sentence again, smile even wider.
“Good morning, Yul.”
What was that? Last time she checked, her name was Kwon Yuri, not Kwon Yul.
“Yul?” Yoona chimed again. “Do you not like it? One of the girls at school had mentioned that nicknames are important. She said that it’s good to give a person you’ve become close with a nickname.”
That’s weird.
“Uh… it’s fine.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie or the truth. Yuri was definitely uncomfortable with it, but she’d let it slide because it was Yoona.
Her mind wandered to Yoona’s reasoning for the nickname.
Close… Are we friends now?
Yuri pondered and pondered it. She never really had a friend before. Was this what friendship was? Talking and getting to know one another. Walking to school. Eating lunch together. Were all of those things what friendship meant?
When lunchtime came around, Mrs. Lee called Yoona over for a private meeting in the teacher’s longue. As Yuri grabbed her lunch box and made her way out of the classroom, someone stepped in front of her at the door.
Yuri looked up, confused as to why the entrance was being blocked.
“What’s Yoona doing with a girl like you?”
Yuri froze as the other person continued to scrutinize her.
“You’re just a loner. No one special."
The words ripped at her heart, opening old wounds and memories.
“You’re ugly.”
“What a loser.”
“Yoona is so much better than you.”
It was then that Yuri realized that Yoona was one of those girls. She was the girl that everyone wanted to be. She was the girl who was friendly to others, popular in class, funny, pretty, smart, and athletic, the nearly perfect girl.
She was exactly the opposite of Yuri.
Yuri was the girl no one ever wanted to be. Yuri was one of those girls who were picked on when they were little, grew up alone and quiet, kept to herself, didn’t make friends, had low self-esteem, was mediocre at what she did except for maybe one or two things, and in Yuri’s case, it was fashion.
Yuri was nothing like Yoona. They weren’t in the same league in any way.
So why was Yoona by her side?
Why was Yoona being her friend?
Oh, that’s right.
Because Yoona broke her glasses and offered to stay by her side for about thirty days until she paid off the glasses. It was because Yuri had Yoona on an invisible leash. Without that, Yoona wouldn’t even think twice about being her friend.
How stupid of me.
The bully smirked at her and stepped to the side, allowing Yuri access to the door. She let another crude remark slip from her mouth.
“No one would want to be friends with someone like you.”
Yuri’s heart ached as she left the classroom, legs shaky and tears brimming.
Yoona opened the courtyard doors, eyes searching for Yuri at their usual spot. To her surprise, Yuri was not there. Her eyes scanned the rest of the courtyard, but the other girl was nowhere to be found. Figuring that she wasn’t nowhere in sight, she returned to the classroom, hoping to find her there.
She opened the classroom door, sad to see Yuri’s seat vacant.
“Has anyone seen Kwon Yuri?” Yoona asked loudly. Some students looked up at her while others ignored her.
Yoona turned, facing Hyuna.
“Oh. Hi Hyuna.”
“Come sit and eat lunch with us.” Hara piped in as she patted the desk next to her. There were five girls sitting together.
Yoona smiled politely and shook her head. “That’s okay. I’m supposed to be eating with Yuri.”
Annoyance flickered onto Hyuna’s face at the sound of that particular name.
“Come on, Yoona. You never talk to us anymore.” Yoona’s bottom lip tugged slightly, knowing where this conversation was headed. She tried to keep her cool as Hyuna continued. “You’re always hanging out with that girl. What’s so special about her anyways?”
Hyuna’s last sentence sparked an unforeseen reaction from Yoona.
“It’s funny… Yuri’s the one who can’t see right now without her glasses, but you’re actually blinder than she is.”
“What?” Hyuna was confused as well as the other four girls.
“You can’t judge a book by its cover Hyuna.” There was no hesitation in Yoona’s voice as she spoke. “You of all people should know that. Now, excuse me, but I have a friend to find.”
Yoona stepped back, ready to leave, but Hyuna barked up again.
“Do you pity her? Are you being her friend because she’s lonely?” Some of the girls snickered in the background as Hyuna continued the ruthless comments. “Is she mute? Girl can’t even respond in a normal conversation.”
Hara frowned, pulling on Hyuna’s shirt. “That’s too much, Hyuna.”
Yoona felt her anger rising in her stomach. “What did you say to her, Hyuna?”
Hyuna inspected her nails, scratching them, satisfied to have struck another chord within Yoona.
“Nothing, but the truth.”
Yoona clenched her jaw together, anger seething her, but she held herself together.
“You disappoint me, Hyuna. You’re not twelve. Don’t stoop so low as this. Don’t become the same as those that have hurt you.”
Hyuna gritted her teeth together.
“Shut up, Yoona.”
“You’d know Yuri was special if you took the time to know her.” Yoona’s voice was firm. “But honestly, I wouldn’t want Yuri to be friends with someone like you anyways.”
With that, Yoona took her leave, fists clenched together.
Her anger was strong, but her concern for Yuri’s well-being was even stronger.