Top 5 Reasons Life is good right now . . .

Jan 31, 2007 13:12

5) One of my co-workers just bought me Chinese for lunch because I burned a CD for her. MMM . . . Ginger beef and Eggrolls . . .

4) The Church of England will be running it's first U2-charist. They're holding a serice and will be replacing all the hymns with U2 songs, played by a live band. The words will be played on a giant screen so the congregation can sing along. No Joke. I just saw a blurb on it in the RedEye.

3) The Illinois Lottery, after 24 years, has finally shown Pac-Man some love in the form of a $2.00 Pac-Man scratch off ticket, which you can win up to $10,000 or a Pac-Man Arcade machine. Sweet!

2) I fnally tracked down a copy of The Cruxshadows new album, "Dreamcypher". It's quite good, and more subtle and Sophisticated than any album that they have yet put out to date. In case you aren't aware, we also won "Sophia", the single from sed album over the weekend at Nocturna.

1) This Weekend, Dungeons and Dragons fest at our house at noon on Saturday. Super Bowl at Davimye's house on Sunday. Next Saturday, food out in Wrigleyville, Followed by the Cruxshadows / Ego Likeness / Ayria concert, followed by Nocturna. Lots o' fun things with my peeps! Woo Hoo!


"Do not injustice to another, defend the weak and innocent; let truth and honor always guide you, let courage find a life within. Stand Up when no one else is willing, but not in hatred or in spite; be to this world as a perfect knight, even if it means your life . . ."

-The Cruxshadows, "Sophia"
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