Beer Update and Tired

Aug 03, 2009 10:56

Went to vote on the new Sam Adam's Seasonal brew.  They were competing an IPA vs a Czech style pilsner.  I went in completely expecting to pick the IPA, but was pleasantly surprised with the pilsner.  The IPA was good, but I've had many better.  Nice hop notes with a malt finish that takes the bitter edge off the IPA.  Those who are not necessarily IPA fans, but like a note of hops may have preferred this over others. The pilsner was one of the best I've had outside of Prague.  A subtle note of hops, crisp and refreshing, without the skunk that too many green bottle beers get (most Czech pilsners are) when traveling.  I surprised myself and voted for the pilsner.  It's slightly disappointing, though.  These were the best Sam Adams brews I've had outside of their boston lager and specialty brews, as well as the most requested types from their fans.  Why put them against each other and only to bring out one or the other?

Sunday was an epic fail on my part.  I had every intention of going to the softball game at 9:00.  I didn't go out drinking Saturday night and washed my uniform.  I was in bed by 1:00 (for me fairly early)  I slept for a little less then an hour before waking up again unable to fall back asleep.  The insomnia fairy struck.  Often, when it happens before work, I'll just stay awake the next day, but I knew I would be in know shape to play a sport the next day if I did that.  I tried to eek as much sleep as I could.  I last looked at a clock at about 6:00 AM.  The next thing I new it was after 9:00 AM and I was not going to make it to the game.  That combined with a sour stomach (often a side affect for me when I don't get proper sleep) and I felt pretty miserable Sunday.

I tuffed out the day hoping to get to bed early and catch up on sleep before the week began.  This time I managed 2 hours before waking up again.  I saw the sun rise and got through most of book 6 "blood Rites" of the Dresden Files.  A nice breakfast of strawberry short cake and then 6:00 and I can't keep my eyes open.  I nap for 3 hours forgoing a probably much needed shower and walk in the rain to get work. Great Monday so far.

Insomnia isn't new for me.  It's one of the reasons I'm such a fan of the night shift and try to avoid caffeine.  Although it could be nerves setting it off this time.

I won't be making it to Todd's this week.  I have a date ;)

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