Sep 12, 2011 16:07
So, I sent a nudge to an agent a couple months ago and got a one line "this isn't for me" reply to my full MS. Fuck you very much, but at least she responded. Then today I got another rejection that actually gave a reason. She didn't think it had enough "oomph" to stand out in today's market, but she liked the tension I had and she said I'm "a talented writer, truly." Not the longest rejection ever, but at least she gave me more than a "eh, thanks for nothing" BS email. So technically I'm back to the drawing board. I have D/E to rewrite, if I really want to. I have another SL kicking around in my head, but really no idea how to expand on it. And I have the stuff from 10+ years ago that I can wrangle into a book, if I want, but that's fantasy and I don't know if I really have the time/energy to devote to sword and sorcery-type fantasy.
I'm thoroughly disgruntled, but Adam told me I can't give up. He's blaming a lot of my bad luck on the economy, which I slightly agree with. How can so many agents tell me I'm a good writer and they like my stories and this, that, and the other thing and then turn around and say "no"? Because they need to have the next flippin' Twilight and no one is willing to take a chance on a poor little historical novel unless it's sexed up and chock full of paranormal elements. There are people that want normal historical stories. I'm one of them!
Maybe I'll be inspired this winter. I usually seem to write the most stuff during the winter and then spent spring/summer editing and fall submitting. So... I'll just wait for the creative juices to ferment and we'll see what happens.