it's a sunshine day

Apr 22, 2024 12:22

i am so happy to see the sun! it's chilly, but it's lovely - and as soon as it warms up just a tad, i'm going to sit outside in my shorts and turn my pasty-white legs a little less pasty.

life on the wee homestead is settling into big plans and temporary delays. as far as the barn goes: we're waiting on the scheduler, the permit, the delivery of sand and gravel, and a lessening of rain in the forecast; for chickens, we're waiting on warmer weather to take them outside more, the building of the coop (i keep changing horses midstream, which has to be annoying and frustrating), and for them to get more feathers under their little wings; for the garden, it's about getting soil and the beds built.

we'll get there. :)

there are some things i can do no matter what the weather is like, and i'm going to try my hand at them this week. back before i started eating like i am now (and thus, by way of being the cook in the house), we bought a bunch of chili meat and froze it. i don't want it to get freezer burned, so i'm going to make one batch for canning.

in my pressure cooker.

which is more dangerous than NASA's first manned mission to the Moon.

ANYWAY, i think i can get 5 quarts of chili out of one batch PLUS enough for a bowl for mister and i. if it cans well, i have enough for two more batches in the freezer and i can knock those out over the next week or two. IMA GONNA BE MA INGALLS, YO.


i think i may be turning into a crazy chicken lady, people. when we go to the farm supply stores, any chicken decor catches my eye and i'm like "I WANT" - which baffles both the mister and the kid.

i need to take a deep breath and let that go. lol because what happens when you start getting chicken decor on your own? OTHER PEOPLE think that every gift-giving holiday is a reason to give you chicken things. which may not be a super bad idea, but still.


my to-do list for the day is nice and simple and relatively no-stress:

[ ] make the probiotic/electrolyte water for the chickens

[ ] bake a loaf of bread for the kid

[ ] tuck in and read /the hacienda/

[ ] catch up on my circle circle dot journal

[ ] get some seeds going

[ ] ....write?

oh, and watch the stupid chad daybell trial. i swear, i'm turning into my mom. lol

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