Apr 27, 2005 05:13
What's up everyone!!! So last night was awesome. But before I get into that I should probably tell you that my last entry of "I give up" was in reference to my computer upstairs. After a long night of my friend hwlping me with fixing it, he did, but I still need to locate some start up discs and it was really late that night thus I gave up.
But let's talk about last night. Last night I got together with Mel and we went to the Hot Monkey Love Cafe and Audio-Out played for the first time, well ok it was just me and Mel and not the whole band yet, but actually playing somewhere was awesome, and everyone thought we were good we got a huge response. Before we went on, I did stand up, and I got a big response there. It was great both of the acts were fantastic. It was a fun time had by all. Sari took some pictures that will be great for the website. THen after words Sari and I went to punk rock Denny's where she taught me some sign language and we had some coffee. But yeah that was pretty much the highlight. It was good, it feelks great getting into comedy again!
Catch yous guys later!