Whilst waiting for a verification job to finish, I ended up reading an article on the BBC news web site, which described that the government are planning to introduce a Britishness test for would be immigrants. Since we don't have presidents, we'd have to ask about King Henry VIII, or Ethelred the Unready, or suchlike...
Anyway, the Beeb put up a hypothetical quiz of their own, which I decided to take.
If you want to see if you'd be let in, the quiz is
here For the record,
I got 70% - failed on the Youth culture question about a bunch of bands that this old fogey has never heard of, a political question on somebody else who wasn't there when I last was & finally the Queen's birthday - my excuse for the latter, is that her official one is the only one I ever remember, since its almost always close to mine.
In shock news, Bush gets a new economy spokesperson,
er thing...(snagged from a real article, which is actually
[Edit]For the translator-types out there -
here's proof that its not an easy life...