Sep 07, 2005 15:57
OKay here's a list of the pro's and cons of TFM:
Pro's-- 1. the flattery from balck german guys.
2. the harrassing from Gillian.
3. occasional cookie.
4. occasional nice costumer. (i.e. chubby asian guy with little girl
named Emma. oh the awwwness)
5. Carolyn
6. Bob's stopping of everything to talk about a movie or a band.
7. Drew's flattery.
1. No respect
2. The demanding nature
3. No apreciation.
4. No recognition.
5. Lazy coworkers (not you).
6. Donnie.
7. The gossip.
8. That odd herby smell in the morning.
9. The regge in the morning. (you guys up for some regge tonight?)
10. French Rounds
11. "Is this fresh?"
12. The pointing.
13. People who don't know how to cook. (i.e. make rice or marinara
14. Mango Madness/ Opera Cake
15. Laura's gone.
16. Alexi keeps coming in.
Oh that reminds me. For those of you who don't know. Alexi is this ex
TFM bakery chick who recently graduated SCAD with a degree in
photography. We hate her. She came in yesterday and harrassed Drew for
like 2 hours. So naturally, I killed her. Only that's not true. What my
point is here is that she told us she was moving to LA to pursue her
career. She thinks she will be famous. how cute. I can't wait until she
comes bacl groveling for a job with TFM in 6 months and or she becomes
an overwieght hooker in Hollywood. Anyway enough about that.
Con #17: TFM is taking over my life.