So i'm here with a new icon. horrah for random breasts. Not much has happened. I've been trying to get another job. (Well, a higher paying job.) My aunt Debra has some leads on a 20,000 dollar/year one. I know that's not much to most of you, but that would be great for me.
I decided not to enroll in Summer classes. I did last year, but I just need to work and make money. Not to mention take it easy. Maybe I'll be able to see people. Epecially Liz. I'm sure I need to go to MI or she needs to come here. It's been like a year.
I need to get out more...
Your wise quote is: "Fashion is a form of
ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter
it every six months" by Oscar Wilde.
You are a very sarcastic person with a sharp
tongue. You may not be the one always talking,
but your mind is nevertheless critizing. You
tend to have a cynical view on life itself and
be somewhat withdrawn with who you really are.
Society now is in your eyes corrupted and you
wonder how the world will survive. And people
are in your mind very ignorant and blind to the
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by