holy god almighty on a stick of doom roasting over an open fire. how i want to push a bazillion people into the street as bus comes flying down the street. first off there's no need to lie to me. i'll still be your friend if you just tell me the truth. seriously. stop the lies. next is work. i hate it there. fucking a. can i be treated any more of a peon? i don't think i could be. if they treated me any worse i would just assume i should go clean the toilets or personally remove their tampons for them.
ah well. so yeah. life's been okay. i met a really cool girl at the office. thankfully. she's the only thing that keeps me going now. or at least she will be.
tomorrow there is this play that is supposed to be the best thing in all the world that i'm going to go to. taking davey and a couple friends. it should be a good time. the new friend from work told me about it. that's just how cool she is and it's a total sign of how her and i will become mega lovers. in. another dimension of course. anyway, i don't know much about the play other than it's about kids dying and people trying to figure out why.
i'm peacing out now bitches.