Cheri Foster's APP

Jan 13, 2009 13:55

This is subject to change, I do plan on updating it once more before I submitt it to Jenn the HC for submission.

Name: Cheri Foster-Dupont
Home Chronicle: Wasting the Dawn (WtD) - Berkeley CA - USA
Position Sought: Assamite Coordinator
You're OWbN/Gaming/Administrative Background:

Assamite Coordinator for OWbN (2002 - 2004)
Assamite Sub-Coord for OWbN under John Hathorne (2000 - 2002)
Tremere Sub-Coord for OWbN under Dennis Sharpe (2002 - 2003)
AST for Sacramento by Night, Sacramento, CA (2002 - 2004)
AST for Lux Tenabras, Auburn, CA (2004)
Head Story Teller for Shadow's Crossing, Santa Rosa, CA (2008 - Present)
CM for Shadow's Crossing, Santa Rosa, CA (2008 - 2008)

I have been LARPing since I was 17 years old. I first LARPed in the Camarilla Fan Club games, both Sabbat and Camarilla venues and then in a troupe game called Moonlight Puppeteers (that later became the OWbN Chronicle Sacramento by Night). I began in One World when Sacramento went probationary. I was an Assamite Sub-Coord and played for 2 years and was elected Assamite Coordinator in 2002. From 2002-2004 I was a player, an AST, Tremere Sub-Coord and Assamite Coordinator all in OWbN. What can I say; I am a glutton for punishment (or just plain crazy… probably both really.). I took a 4 year hiatus from playing at all and took care of my life and family (I pretty much fell off the face of the earth honestly.) I've been active in OWbN again since December of 2007 and I love it; I realized how much I missed the Org, the people that I have interacted with over the years and just the general sense of being part of a large body of like minded people. I enjoyed this so much I even started my own game in Santa Rosa, Shadow's Crossing, that I've taken probationary. My home chronicle is Wasting the Dawn. I currently play Nadirah Mahir, an Assamite Sorcerer. She's involved nationally and locally, and in the year that I've started to actively play again I've gone to two (soon to be three) national events. I'm seriously having a lot of fun and am very motivated to be part of the larger picture again.

I am also a geek; who can't be when dealing with a ton of gamers over the years and being a player/subby/ST/Coord? I have extensive tabletop experience that began when I was 8 years old and my older brother was given D&D (1st, 2nd, 3rd and good lord now 4th Editions) to play and had no other players but my Twin and I. Rifts: a lot of fun to play; Champions: never try making characters on a drive down to the Zoo and then playing them in the zoo... You don't want to know what super powers can be thought up then. Then of course there is Kobolds ate my baby; Gurps, the tables you can roll with this game are great. Ars Magica, probably the longest character creation I have ever attempted.

I'm the HST for Shadow's Crossing, our Santa Rosa CA OWbN probationary chronicle. I help coordinate numerous clan NPC's and do most of the integration for the OWbN ST list and, until recently, the CM list. I am often sought to explain genre to new players and current ST's. I try to create in depth plots and provide a lot of flavor and detail in them. I have, in the past, played an Assamite character that was 2 1/2 years old before I retired her to NPC status. I've played an intense Brujah that was totally nuts, as well as a Nos who just was a fun loving Hippy from CA. I have extensive knowledge of Assamite Genre from Pre- and Post-Schism as an ST and as a player. I have shown in the past that I'm willing to compromise and listen and, over the break, I've gained a slightly different outlook.

Personal Statement:

I would like to state for the record that I'm a single mother of a wonderful daughter. I will always count her first before a Hobby. That being said, it does not mean I do not know or understand how to balance my life, my work and my play time; I do. It's hard, but it's worth the effort that you put into it especially with the broad group of players OWBN offers. I'm extremely organized and always run things on a schedule. That doesn't mean I am not used to being thrown a curve ball (trust me this was a LARGE one thrown at my head). I roll with the punches, keep on flying and am unafraid to either speak my mind or listen when someone needs an ear. It's what I do, be mom… ;o)

As Assamite Coordinator back in the day (goodness that makes me sound old doesn't it…), I thought it was the Coordinator's job to "bring down the hammer of God",screw anyone who got in our way, fight them tooth and nail, and make it happen, etc.. That might have been the case back then when the genre was so undefined and occasionally a swift kick in the butt or a huge collar put around its neck. Not now. The job has turned into being more of an administrator and staying on top of player and ST needs. This is done is with an effective staff that is willing to put in the work to get the job done. I mean come on lets not lie. Being a coordinator is hard work and that's with a staff that can assist in whatever capacity the coordinator needs. A coordinators job is to answer questions, write up materials for clarifications and show clear genre precedence for the clan. I believe NPC's are there to guide PC's in the right direction but not necessarily smack them at every turn. There is a time and a place for the PC's to take the lead on any given situation so that it's not just NPC Theater but something all PC's involved in get enjoyment out of. This is the only way for the story to continue. It needs to become the PC's genre, not just the Coordinators view of Genre.

Several years ago a foundation was created making Assamite genre what it is today. There is so much detail and depth into the creation of the Assamite genre however it has been heavily based in the Schismatic view. That is something I would like to change. I am not saying that I want to move the focus away from the Schismatics because lets be honest, we play in a mainly Cam-centric organization that does not lend well to other factions. However that does not mean we should forget they're out there. They are, they're scary and extremely pissed off! I mean damn the Kafir just let those disloyal mangy dogs into their organization and think they are safe… How wrong they are!

The Schismatics, Al-Ashrad and those who are his eyes and ears know of the storm brewing outside the arms of the Camarilla. They have felt the stirrings of those on the mountain and are watchful. Now mind you that's the older generation. The younger generation is very comfortable with what's going on. I mean we just got what we wanted, full entry into the Camarilla with almost no strings, that's fantastic, we can rest now and not worry. How wrong they are, and it's up to the Elders and those older PC's out there to fix that perception. This is something I greatly look forward to.

I agree with Kory's opinion of the Dispossessed. They are neither growing, nor lessening. However there needs to be more clarification on what it means to be dispossessed. Those that think that they are Schismatic / Loyalist and can just jump ship because they don't want to answer to their elders are mistaken and it's up to the Coordinator to explain why this is the case. This will not be a small project my sub-coord team and I and will be impossible without the cooperation of ST's. There are still those out there willing to bring them into the fold either for the dark side (the loyalists) or the light side (Schismatic). It's my job to give ample opportunity for the story growth of both possible outcomes.

The Loyalists, again, I agree with Kory. It is hard not to since he is the one who helped me form that view *laughs* and I can honestly say they are great antagonists, well, really "anti Hero's". They can be a viable PC with an extremely narrow view. They have a certain amount of "fun" behind them if you are looking for the "hunt and kill" monster to play, hence why I believe them to be better suited for NPC's than actual PCs. I approved one during my last stint as Assamite Coordinator and the character did very well for the time he played. They must be on a tight rein, and are very rarely Viziers. More often than not they are Warriors with back up (i.e. a Sorcerer in the background). I really feel that they should be heavily used as antagonists and would love to give ST's ideas on how to use them to push more plot.

The Unconquered, you know, I really do not have a lot to say about them. It's in the best interest of the org to go along with the viewpoint of the Sabbat coordinator regarding them. I will assist the Sabbat coordinator in defining what he wants them to be, and I look forward to working with the "Black hand" aspect of the Unconquered; however I will not focus on them at this time.

Ok, so that's my view on genre and what I think of them. So much fun honestly but let's be real for a moment and talk about what I want to accomplish. Oh you thought that was above? Naw, that's just me telling you how I look at things. Onto how I think the Assamite Coordinators office should help the players and the ST's make a better story for their clan.

1. I think that the Assamite Genre packet needs to be updated; mistakes corrected and past important information from the Eldest in Exile stated and more things for new Assamite players new to the genre to get a better grasp on how the Assamites are in OWbN.
2. Guidelines are very important for players and STs to have a starting point to ask questions.
3. Review and update the ranking structure for the Assamites: currently there is a large debate regarding this on the OOC list. A lot of heated things have been said. There are valid and not so valid concerns. I will address this issue and try to work it out so that the players get a rank structure that is suited to all castes and sects. I do not want a "points" system, but rather an RP aspect with a council of PC's. NPCs will be the end of the line and offer the final "nod".
4. Review the Sorcery packet and find anything the needs to be updated, changed, and possibly removed. It will also be the best time to do this as I'm reviewing the rank structure for the clan to also update the Sorcery packet and bring it inline with what could be the new rank system.
5. I would like to see some fall out happen for the Schismatic's joining the Camarilla, make consequences that the STs can play with when the Mountain learns of their final betrayal. Have fun with some personal Horror. I mean, that is the name of the game; is it not?
6. Discuss and implement a new role for the Loyalists within OWbN. I would like to re-visit the idea of making them viable PCs but with restrictions. This is an idea I have that is not entirely flushed out.
7. Repercussions for the members of the clan who the Justicar refuses to "let go" or who refuses to "remove" their PSM. I would also love to help write some of the ordeals that the players may go though for those actions they may have taken. I feel that is going to be a lot of fun and in-depth story writing will ensure drama for those involved.

So there it is in a nutshell. I'm looking to bring some fun this year and help make a larger story for the clan as a whole, fix some issues that players are having with how current things are being handled via the player packet. I'll review the sorcery packet to make adjustments, if needed, and various possible plot ideas involving the Schimatics, Loyalists and the rest of the Camarilla (through the Justicars). So, it looks to be a fun year, and I look forward to having the chance to prove myself again.

Thank you for your time,

Cheri Foster-Dupont
HST Shadow's Crossing
WtD Player of Nadirah Mahir
AIM: TakanoTaraUnomi
Phone: 707-623-6959
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