Title: White Pages (when stray cats trip you, don't expect a soft landing!)
Genre: Crack, Comedy, Low Fantasy, Romance
Summary: On the thirteenth day, Changmin leaves his house. For escape or for inspiration, it all depends which-or who- he finds first.
Author's Notes:
I'm not sure if younger readers are aware of what the
White Pages are (or were
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I agree with you on the nostalgia. White pages... the good old days when we'd find strange names listed, and when we didn't have to keep our own directories. Guess we're really getting old hahaha
It really is difficult to write without inspiration, but maybe pro-writers have no choice but to manage? Changmin and his editor have quite the relationship, it'll be explained better in the next chapter!
I'm really happy you pointed out the strangeness of that phone call and visit. :D Even Changmin is perplexed with the entire thing! His editor may or may not be involved (she obviously has troll tendencies lol). How Yunho knew Changmin will be revealed soon! :)
Thank you, thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. ♥(ノ´∀`) You have helped this story live longer!
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