
Sep 08, 2007 20:14

Hey, ignorant white people?

Racism = prejudice + power. Not racism = prejudice. Prejudice + power. That goes for sexism, homophobia, transphobia and any other sort of discrimination. There is no such thing as racism against white people. You've got privilege up to your ears, so please shut up and deal with the fact that you can't step on racial minorities to get into college or get a job.

Yeah, I had another "discussion" with my mom. The last time I mentioned her assuming tendencies estelendur posted the perfect comic to showcase exactly what she does. And now, I can't find the entry that zie commented on. AARGH.

Basically, my mom does that thing where if you say x, she fires back, "so you think [complete, extremist opposite of x]?!?!?!" In this case she had a good time assuming that I think it's okay for black bosses to discriminate against their white employees because I know that racism is prejudice + power.

rants, race

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