(no subject)

Aug 19, 2007 11:18

The past couple days, Cartoon Network has been having a Naruto marathon. I guess I'm being an anime-traitor when I say that I haven't really been all that interested in Naruto, mostly because I'm too lazy to download the subtitled episodes. The dub makes my ears cry, so I don't watch it. And there's SO MUCH of it. A few hundred manga chapters, a few hundred episodes. Jesus Christ. And of course, I could have caught up over the summer, but I missed my chance. I've read the first chapter of the manga and that's it. The only time my interest really spiked was when word got out of that incredibly slashy part in one of the new chapters. XD

I've also been hesitant to start watching lots of it because I've seen bits and pieces of episodes that just reminded me a lot of Dragonball Z. You know, a couple of the characters are fighting, but most of the episode is spent with other characters talking about it on the sidelines. And that kind of thing bugs the hell out of me. I don't want to listen to them jabber about stuff I can figure out on my own, I want to watch the awesome-amazing action. I don't like info dumps.

Does anyone know of a way I can get my hands on the subtitled version without buying the whole series? I know there's a Naruto fansite that makes you pay something like 39 cents a month so you can download episodes, but that takes forever.

And the only things I can think of to ask my parents for as presents for my birthday are: an Appa plushies and a lunch tin, vintage-style. D: I FAIL AT LIFE.


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