May 26, 2007 10:40

My post about Pirates 3 is late. :[ Oopsy-daisies.


Now that that's over with.

This movie was the funniest of them all, I think. It was just so crazy and weird. And being a crazy and weird person myself, it was very awesome, IMNSHO. There were some plotholes (HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE FALLING DOWN A HUGE WATERFALL LIKE THAT?), but overall it was super sweet.

The beginning

That was so sad, and it really was a great exposition. Just enough to emphasize what's going on, without dwelling on it too much.


Eeeheehee, multiple Jacks. XD That was, I think, one of the best ideas in the movie. Johnny Depp must've had so much fun with that.


KING OF THE PIRATES FTW. I think I nearly screeched in happiness when she was made King, because it gave a woman a very powerful lead in a world led completely by men. And Elizabeth still developed a lot; she's gone even further from her frilly self in the first movie to a rather badass woman who doesn't completely denounce her feminimity, and therefore doesn't fall into a stereotype.

Relationship Drama

Done well. Very well. Not too trite, not too complicated. And there wasn't too much of it, just enough to not ignore it.

Barbossa's return

They used him SO WELL. I usually don't like characters being brought back from the dead, because it kind of moots the point of killing them. But he played such a great and important role, and they couldn't have done it without him. He wasn't just back to sit there and look badass.

Davy Jones

Character development YAAAY. I loved the backstory we received. It pieced it all together perfectly. I was kind of sad that he died, but then I remembered the he stabbed Will and laughed about it, so uh, he got what was coming.

Tia Dalma

I thought it was very obvious from the beginning that she was Calypso. Because it was very easy to figure out that she was Davy Jones' lover, because of the locket, and then not much later it was revealed that Davy Jones loved Calypso.

I loved her role, though. I just wish she had shown up more after she turned into a bunch of crabs. :[ I also loved that a black woman was a goddess, because so many goddesses are portrayed as perfect little white women, as if POC can't be deities. :/

The ending

WONDERFUL. So nice and bittersweet. No stupid happy-with-puppies-and-ponies Disney ending.


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