Lots of movie watching.

Mar 15, 2007 19:43

I've done a looot of movie watching in the past two days. Yesterday I watched Stranger Than Fiction (really, really good; Emma Thompson and Dustin Hoffman were brilliant). Today I saw An Inconvenient Truth in Philosophy Lit (due to a lack of juniors; there were only six total classmates there), and then watched Little Miss Sunshine when I came home from school today.

An Inconvenient Truth is a must-see. I don't care where you are on the political spectrum. It's something everyone should see, because it really isn't a matter of politics. It never really was. I don't think it's a "moral obligation" either, as Al Gore likes to say. It's really good, and really eye-opening, even to someone like me who's known since middle school what global warming was and could recite off exactly what was causing it and give proof.

I've heard a lot of arguments lately that it's really not a big deal, and that all the hysteria surrounding it is blown out of proportion--and I agree with the latter sentiment to a degree, there are people preaching that world is going to end if we don't stop it. That's not true, it's just going to change immensely.

I think overall, the movie was a bit of an ego stroke for Al Gore, but at the same time, that's not an entirely bad thing. The guy lost the presidency to someone whose administration, actions and policies have sent our national deficit into a record-making plunge, killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, thousands of our own troops, and convinced most of the rest of the world that the United States is no more than an arrogant, gas-guzzling nation of idiocy. Why he brought that up in the documentary I'm not entirely sure, but it's a point nonetheless.

Little Miss Sunshine was amazing. Absolutely fabulous. I thought Frank and Dwayne were simply spiffy, because they were such amusing characters. I nearly cried when Dwayne found out he couldn't go to flight school.

It was also really good because of how it presented the characters. The whole first half of the movie spends its time making it quite clear that the father in the story is an asshole (he seems to have no clue as to how much he's damaged his daughter's self-esteem, and is constantly beating on Frank), yet when his heartbreaking moments come, I really felt sorry for him. Maybe that's just me, though.

I have to say, it deserved its R-rating. I think the grandpa alone said "fuck" or one of its forms at least fifty times in the movie. XD And let's not forget Olive's dance at the end of the movie.


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