A thoughtful post about friends

Mar 10, 2006 18:58

I know I said that I have lots of homework.

I'll get to that as soon as I make this post. xD

For one, I changed all of my userpics so that they fit my mood now. =D

Second, I've been thinking about my friends and friendships.

Mostly, I've been considering my relationship with Sarah O. and Sylvia. I hang out with them most at Commi, as well as Sevde. Sevde is the only one of that group that I still truly like as a friend. She has her faults (as does everyone), but she's one of those people whose faults I can deal with because her other qualities overshadow her downsides.

All of my close-close friends are like that. People like Hannah, Eva, Carolyn, Cindy...all of them have their faults, but they're small, and though sometimes (read: rarely) they annoy me, I don't stay annoyed for long, and I never once consider dropping their friendship, because they are very good friends, I know them well, and they're people I like a lot and wish to keep contact with. Any anger generated towards them is never enough to make me mad or make me rant about it.

It's different with Sarah and Sylvia, though.

Sylvia--she's incredibly clingy. I know I used to be like that when I was younger (not exactly sure when that actually stopped; certainly before eighth grade), so now I feel sorry for those I hung out with then. Dx;; She follows me around, and can't take the hint when I try to get her to go away. She's also annoying, always blabbing on about random stuff, bragging whenever she spends lots of money or does something really expensive and generally not shutting up. She doesn't work much when she's doing group work. Sevde was paired up with her for the culture-invention project in Western Civ, and Sevde has testified that Sylvia didn't do her part at home, and the most she did was put the posterboard together--not much work.

Sarah--not as bad as Sylvia. She doesn't make me want to scream and pull out my hair whenever I'm in her prescence. However, her obsession over and attempted-control of Sevde's math class switch and her constant bugging me when I work or do something are really beginning to grind on my nerves. She also tries to make me come with her EVERYWHERE, and then gets offended when I don't want to. Yesterday she had to go run an errand for forum (she had to walk down to the convienience store down the road to get something) and begged me to come with her. I told her "No" and she got pissed, and whined at me until she left to go on the errand. It's not like I do this all the time; I often accompany her to her locker or class, yet she never does the same to me. Her locker is on opposing sides and floors of the school from mine. I have to go down three flights of stairs and cross the school to get to my locker from hers. She won't come with me to mine, for that very reason. And expects me to go to her locker with her. I would never try to make her go with me out of school, since that would be a big bother to her.

They're nice (as is everyone else in the world), but Sylvia's combined clingy-ness, annoying and always daydreaming when she's supposed to be working just turns me away, as does Sarah's mistaken-omnisciency and hypocritical-ness. Those are qualities that I just CANNOT STAND--y'all have seen my rants on abortion and gay rights, and people trying to tell others how to run their lives. The fact that Sarah seems to think that she knows others' situations better than they do bothers me a lot, and she doesn't listen when I try to tell her that she's crossing the line.

This past Monday, I asked Sevde how she was doing in Math, and she said she was all caught up. Sarah asked Sevde why she didn't want a challenge, and Sevde replied that she would have been challenged a lot all year long, and that she didn't want that. I replied (looking back, I probably shouldn't have, since the question was directed at Sevde and not me. I have a bad tendency to do that...) "Because it's Sevde's business and decision to make, and she knows her situation best." Either Sarah didn't hear me, or she didn't catch the edge in my voice.

I sure hope I don't sound like a stupid gossip, rattling on about my friends that aren't on LJ. But, I really don't know whether or not to keep hanging out with them in the future. Really, if you've been ranting about a "friend" enough in your LJ that you want to create a seperate tag with their name so as to seperate those entries from your "friends"-tagged entries (since we only get 100 entries per tag), something's up. If any of you has any advice to give, I would really appreciate it.


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