These episodes seem REALLY short. I guess I'm used to watching programs with hour-long episodes.
So, The Boiling Rock and the Southern Raiders were AMAZING. I'm glad Katara and Zuko were able to resolve their problems (and I'm glad Katara's back in character and not acting like a preteen). And, OMG, Ty Lee and Mai finally kicked Azula's ass. YEAHHHH.
Also, where the fuck is Iroh? We need some Dragon of the West, stat.
Now I'm actually getting sad that the series is almost over. :'( I knew this would come, but since I'd lost most of my interest I didn't think I'd get all that emotional. Expect me to be in tears Saturday night at 9 o'clock. (though it won't be as teary as when I finished HP7.) It's kind of hard to believe it's almost over because this season has been so chopped up and weird. It makes me all nostalgic and shit to think back to the times when I was a part of the fandom and all I could think about was OMG NEW AVATAR ON FRIDAY and I spent most of my Gaia time in the ATLA thread and got pissed at the stupid people that resided there (and had spectacular conversations with the awesome people). Then there was all the guessing about what was going to happen with the show, and theories and the chats about CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and of course, the ship warz (which I do not miss at all). And then, there was Jet/Zuko madness, and then Jet DIED and I was all WTF U CAN'T DO THAT. (I'm of the opinion that he's going to show up during the finale. I know it. Really. SERIOUSLY.) And I remember when we were all OMG THREE MONTHS IS SUCH A LONG WAIT between seasons 1 and 2 (Season 1 finale is still my favorite), then there was the wait for Secret of the Fire Nation and the spoiler madness surrounding that. SDFGHJKL THIS IS MAKING ME SAD. :( I am a nostalgic sap.
I'm going to have to find some other fandom to froth over. Suggestions? Thoughts on the last couple episodes?