I just need to stop going on Gaia.

Jun 02, 2008 20:15

Gaia, seriously?

"Native American" items?

Way to enforce stereotypes. Way to lump every single Native tribe in the Western hemisphere into one enormous monolith. Way to label these things as if a feather headdress and the kachina are from the exact same culture. Way to get your description of a sacred Hopi ceremony completely wrong. Way to be disrespectful.

Just how hard is it to distinguish cultures? Would it be that hard to put "Lakota" or "Hopi" instead of "Native American"? Would it be that fucking hard to get someone's religious practices correct? Kachina dances are not about warding off the underworld, they are about asking those who have passed on to the afterlife to bring rain for the harvest.

I don't even want to bother with site feedback. If the tweenies there couldn't take someone pointing out a blatantly racist style of eyes, I doubt they would understand just how offensive it is to act as if Native cultures are all the same thing.

aargh, gaia, wtf

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