Fandom, ugh.

May 15, 2008 14:22

If I see another fanling use the phrase, "I'm gay for [insert character here]", I'm going to have to punch a small child. That is my biggest fandom pet peeve EVAR. It's like they don't even think about those of us who are ACTUALLY GAY and are sick of people implying that our sexual orientation is a choice or a joke or a flight of fancy.

In other news, I have become completely addicted to Civilization III. I mean so addicted that instead of doing homework, I do Civilization, and it's really bad. I have a really weird love-hate relationship with that game, because while it's a lot of fun to play, it's also not very representative of the entire world, and quite obviously believes that modern = Western. So yeah, I may just do the nerdiest thing ever and completely dissect the game on those grounds over the summer.

dork, aargh, lgbt, computer

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