(no subject)

Feb 28, 2008 14:46

Dear Calvin College and all other religious universities that keep emailing me,

GO AWAY. I specified on my PSAT that I want to go to a NON-AFFILIATED SCHOOL. Non-affiliated =/= Jesuit. Non-affiliated =/= Catholic. Non-affiliated = no association with a specific religion or faith. I do not want to strengthen my relationship with Jesus. I do not want to broaden my faith. I do not have a faith. Kindly stalk the students at some Catholic school instead of me, the lesbian who attends a hippie liberal arts high school.


I gave St. Mary's a chance. I looked at their list of Student Organizations to see what the student body was interested in. Not only was there no GSA (surprise, surprise), but there was no College Democrats. However, there was a College Republicans and St. Mary's Right to Life! :D

college, wtf

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