to those who lurk on lj.

May 27, 2006 23:37

posts without photos have become sort of pointless. nobody wants to read a rant.
thankfully i'm happy and dont want to rant on. i will post some photos later, when chris sends them.

movie plug: Million Dollar Hotel. its a movie about a hotel full of crazy people and i think its futuristic but really, i don't know. anyhow, one man falls off the roof and wacky futuristic FBI man (mel gibson) is called in to solve the case. prime suspects include: a retard named tom with a cool haircut, a man named dixie who claims to have written all of the beatles' songs, and a man who claims to be the indian cheif geronimo. the movie was directed by wim wenders, the same man who directed die himmel uber berlin. couldn't be any cooler if it tried. its strange and artsy. there is also a cameo by bono. and a gorgeous silver dress.

its cool, having a livejournal. like brittany, who happened upon mine randomly, anyone can read them. there was a guy in britain who contacted me because of something in passing that i wrote. there are people i know for sure who lurk my lj, like jmac and that wagner boy. see, the only way of knowing someone read a post is the comments they leave, but what about those people who never do? lj lurkage is creepy that way. in other respects, it is a compliment, people bothering to look every once in a while just to see whats going on, sometimes out of idle curiosity. lj lurking for fun, profit, and entertainment. look into it.

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