Nov 06, 2006 19:02
So I only need 9 hours to finish both my majors and 13 hrs to earn two degrees. Now as usual I don't know what last two classes I want to take. Cause I would like to take something fun but I would also like to take something easy aka A aka GPA booster. So I woke this mornign to register and I found an art history architecture class. I would love to take this class. However, I later realized that I read wrong and this class isn't at 9:55 which would have been perfect but at 8:30. Oh and Art History 2 has to have Agoston teaching it next semester. It sucks. And remember how I wanted to take Consumer Behavior(MKT) Well they are actually offering it next semester however I don't really need it anymore and it will be a lot of work. Oh and Justin is trying to get Chinese class changed because he has a conflict and I said 11:30 which most of the class except for Dan agree because he wants it at 8:30. I've done a very good job avoiding 8:30 and the only class I ever had at 8:30 was writing workshop, completely my fault and completely avoidable(once again my fault)
And I just failed my Chinese, Management, and Finance Test.
My grades are bell curves. I'll do really well on one of them but then I slack off and the rest of them suck. I failed Chinese. CHINESE!!!!!!!!!
Policy has taken over my life in the last 2 weeks so I wasn't able to start studying until the day of the test 5 hrs before.