Jun 18, 2007 03:13
Working sucks. I didn't forget that, I just.. let it slip my mind. I'm doing thirty-seven hour weeks for a while. I told my boss that I didn't want that many hours.. she said she'd see what she can do in July. Shitty timing, too. Both Dan and Razi leave for extended periods of time tomorrow and Wednesday, respectively, and I've barely seen either of them the past week because of this employment shit.
I guess it'll be good to have money, though. And I work with a Vegan Straight-Edge bodypiercer. That's a cool connection.
I'll be escorting Amaryllis to Feist next Sunday, after we go to said Vegan Edger's housewarming barbecue. Hopefully. It might start too late.
I've applied for an internship at an international art gallery in Pioneer Square, as well as a position selling pressed-flower greeting cards and shit for some lady in Pike's Place Market. Either of those would be way dope. Yeah, that's right. I'm already applying for new jobs. I've had this one for a little over a week.
I've got a lot to do. So I'm going to have to be diligent about it. One nice thing, though, is that I'm done with my application to SU. So now it's just waiting to see if I get accepted. I've also decided to go in Humanities as opposed to Sociology. Broader and more exposing, I think. Also a lot more open and less textbook. Hopefully it'll get me more into reading and help me focus on my writing I've so neglected the past year or so. Except for lyrics and such, but that hardly counts.
Oh, and I'm not confident enough to post this on the page yet, but I'll say here that the skinny ties song "heathrow like a bitch" is going to be the main title track for some independent short film that I know nothing about. The filmmaker is so smitten with my music, he's also requested that I score his next short. Dope, yeah?
We'll see how things go.