I do these things to kill time.

Nov 01, 2008 15:58

1 - What's in your wallet?A few cards, i think. I lost it. lol2 - What's under your bed?Clothes, since there's drawers under there Oh. and journals3 - What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet?I think it's like.. old toys4 - What's in your underware drawer?...underwear. socks. and a pair of pants i think lol..5 - What's in the trunk of your car?Nothing, as my trunk does not have a car.6 - What's in your desk or locker?I don't have a desk OR locker!7 - Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what's in it?nooope8 - Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes what?Yeah, shit with Sarah.9 - What is the most embarassing thing in your room right now?Um...my room in general is an embaressment10 - Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about?No, because people always find out, lol11 - What is your last thought before you fall asleep?Depends on the day12 - How long have those leftovers been in the fridge?Some of them.. probably awhile13 - If I confiscated your computer and took a look around....what would I find?You wouldn't find porn.14 - Do you sleep with anything?..blankets...?15 - What is your midnight snack weakness?a piece of cheese or crackers. LOL16 - Have you ever you shop lifted?Yeup17 - Have you ever vandalized anything?Um.. probably18 - Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?Oh yeah. Everyday.19 - What do you wait until no one is looking to do?....20 - Have you told the truth in this survey?yeah1 - Type in the first thing that comes into your mind when you see these words 2 - Relationshipssuck3 - Your Last Exwas alright4 - Poweris good5 - Foodmakes you faaaatt6 - Drugsare infuckingcredible but SO horrible7 - The Presidentcan suck my monkey wang8 - Waris scary9 - Cars... I need to get my L10 - Gas Pricesare going down11 - Halloweencan suck. my. fucking. cock. Worst night.12 - ReligionDon't beleive in it.13 - Politicsare usually really boring, but they interest me sometimes14 - Myspaceis only good for bands15 - Worst FearBest friend dying16 - MarriageI'm not sure it's needed17 - Sexis funnnn18 - FashionIs yummy19 - Brunettesare me20 - RedheadsI should dye my hair agina21 - Work.. i have to go talk to my boss to make sure I still have a job today =/22 - FootballI never liked it at all23 - Animalskitty caaaats24 - Vanilla IceLOL WHUT25 - Porta PottiesLMFAO aaron's halloween costume26 - Pajamasare comfy27 - Picturesare sosososososososo good
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