So I'm basically spending my day off work on college apps and getting stuff done around the house before I have to go to work, but that's really not the end of the world. It's nice to get some stuff done and I'm incredibly tired from last night.
Once again, my brother had to tape it for me cuz I was at practice and he missed the first little bit. the tape started at when renee crashed her motorcycle through the wall and stabbed all those guys, not a bad place to start.
This episode definitely had it's moments. I sorta like Tom and Rachel, they don't really have much chemistry right now. But you can see it, even when they were "sparring", rachel just plays shy really well and it sort of holds Tom off. (by the way, is it just me or does he look like Charlie Sheen?). I don't really get why Tom was embarassed about fighting dirty. I mean, it means he isn't as phenomenal as Syd, but whatever get's the job done, there's a certain sexy roguness to hitting somebody with a pole, y'know?
The engagement party was a hoot! Five stars for Dixon's "forbidden love" act, it made me squirm and laugh all at once. And Syd played off the whole "pregnant mistress" thing pretty well. I'll admit, when rachel was stopped by that guard and then she ran, I had no respect for her. But I appreciate how surprisingly complex her character is. She's like a little kid jumping and saying, "like me! like me!" but on the other hand she's brilliant with the technology and has found a kindred spirit in Marshall. I want to see more interaction between them.
I loved Rachel as the prostitute, that dress and especially those glasses were H-O-T, but Syd talking her through it was even better...especially the slut from junior prom.
"what's your name?"
"Ramandy, beautiful"
I'm kind of glad that he went for the whole "punishment" thing because at this point Rachel's just too innocent to actually seduce anybody. Syd's the sexy one, even if she's pregnant and I just wouldn't buy it if Rachel took that role from her.
By the way, the guy that was in charge of the programming, Vak, I recognized him! It was bugging me, but I figured it out. I think it was from second season he was the guy at the pool and Syd started to take off her swimsuit and walk into a changing tent and he followed her and then vaughn injected him with a cardio-toxin. It was around the time with the doubling and project helix. 10 points for me! ( I just got the 2nd season on DVD for my birthday so it was on my mind).
Anyway...back to the episode. The girl that used to work with Rachel...(pauses to look up name)...Peyton. Their exchange was classic. I couldn't tell if she was really that sweet and when I realized how evil she was...ooh! creepy! I like this girl! alot better than Dean who is just evil and not really that much fun. But Peyton, Peyton has potential. When Rachel stabbed her and then they fought.
Peyton: "You should've given me the disk"
Rachel: "You were going to kill me anyway"
Peyton: "Yeah, but I would have felt bad about it, now it's just going to be fun."
I also love how even though Sloane answers to Dean, nobody can control him. That man is amazing. more sloane! more jack! please? I love the intensity they add. I mean, Dean could easily have Sloane killed, but Sloane is just so incredible that he defies him.
I'm actually kind of glad that because of the pregnancy Syd gets to have a more emotional role this season, don't get me wrong, I love the action. But the way that she sorta lies to everybody about Vaughn. Something about seeing her doing all these things that are supposed to be motherhood rites of passage that are supposed to be joyful, seeing her do them all alone is just so incredibly poetically tragic. She is so alone.
The last scene of her sitting at home holding the tape recorder of vaughn's voice on the opperations to her stomach said it all.