They micromanage me / They micromanage me not

Nov 01, 2005 17:45

I wanted to go to Fred's last night for a final bit of Halloween madness, but it just wasn't in the cards. Crappy weather, crappy road conditions, a costume with too many parts and low visibility (how do women put up with so much hair?), and I was just exhausted besides. So I stayed in, watched some "scary" movies on TV, did a mountain of laundry, and finished up the Limes for last week's shows. It's always a bit sad when your favorite contestant gets cut.

Today's weather was lovely. Too bad we couldn't have had it yesterday. I'll bet the trick or treaters would have preferred it that way, too. It was a busy day, punctuated by the somewhat shocking news that my boss is leaving the lab fairly soon. I don't know quite what to make of it. She's a really nice woman, though there are aspects of her managerial style I could certainly do without. I'm mainly worried about who they'll put in her place. Nothing ruins a job faster than a crappy boss. But I'll have plenty of time to fret about that later.

What I need to fret about now is the amount of chores I have to squeeze into the week before I leave for Kansas City on Thursday. I'd have plenty of time, but The Amazing Race and Showtune Tuesday and Card Night and America's Next Top Model shall not be denied. It's good to keep busy, though. It distracts me from the fact that I have no romantic prospects on the horizon. Feh.
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