Jul 13, 2005 21:38
Well Tennis Camp started last Tuesday and ends this Friday. I am sad that it's ending, because I have had a wonderful time so far:) It's just been great. But now I won't have to wake up at 8:00 everyday, so it ending does work out for me in some ways:P
Last night I stayed at Andrea's:D We swam most of the day with Vicky and Savanna...you know, Icky Vicky && Sweet Savanna:) Vicky is going into...7th? and Savanna was only like 5 and a half, is what she told me...and she was the cutest girl:D Soo sweet. Though Vicky was a bitch and hung on me in the pool the whole time and Andrea and I were fighting to get to Savanna<3* O lord..."Our pool memories" can't forget them;) The highlight of the night!8)
Well today I went to the pond with my dad because him and my uncles ripped the whole dock down to put up a new one:D Erin and I just floated around and watched them:) I can't wait till it's done! Hopefully it will be ready for my birthday so I can have all my girliess down:D
Tonight was horrible, and all I have to say is...
I love you Nichole:D Best Friends Forever<3333* THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!! and remember...TOGETHER FOREVER, don't think of the tough times. MUAHH**