:+:tHe wEEk..end:+:

May 09, 2004 17:30

FrIdAy--> PrActiCe got CAnceLLEd!!!! yahoooo!!! i was very excited bcuz i didnt want to go to practice! i went to kristys after school..and we chilled there for a lil bit then went to the mall with nikki like at 430 ish then she got us *ICE*CREAM* for cleaning up her house after the party last weekend..then we went home..and went to totally sports for her dads baseball game..i met {{finally}} met her cousin [JUSTIN]but he mostly hung out with joey DT and derek in the car..and me n kristy went up to the bar and ate and watched the PISTONS!!! yumm yumm!The Game ended around 9 ish..-and- then we just all sat around in the parking lot talkin and..somehow " SOMETHING" happend (lmAo KRISTY) after that we went to the --FAIR-- it was fun except never eat and drink and then go on upside-down rides and caged ones that whip you around like mashpotatos! there was so many people there then everylike just like dipped at like 11 so joey came and picked us up..we got home and mom was parttting it up for her birthday oh geeze! me and kris sat there for a few...then went to bed..then some girl called and kristys mom WENT OFF ON HER..it was like 2 in the morning it was soo funny everyother word was the F word i was like dieing! then after all the drama..i went back to bed..n from 8:00am on..the fone did NOT stop RINGING we finally got up at 840 and autum picked us up and we went to are game...and lost.. then i went home showered and cleaned SATURDAY---->Nikki and kristy came and picked me up after i was done getting ready around 3 ish..then we went back to kristys and chilled for a couple hours and put up the TraMpolIne! HA! that was a trip me kris her granma mom 2 cousins and joey TRYED to put it up..didnt work out so well..kristy did most of it! lol i just stood there (agaiN) then we weNt babysitting from 8-10 (I HAVE A FUCKIN HANGOVER..MY MOM HAS A BIG BUTT DO DA DO DA) LMAO I <3d That Guy after meetin him 10 min ago... we got back to kristys house bout 1030 ish..then joey drove us to charles' which we got lost..lmao n joey got pissed..then we chilled there i took over the chair..AKA mINE NOW lol and the tv..then we just chilled there..(kelly called me too! i was excited lol its like the 1st time she called me)then we went home around 1:30 ish.. then we came home and we were SOO HUNGRY! then we went downstairs and played beer pong (me n kristy VS. joey and james) TRIPLE OVER*TIME..then we lost which was some BULLSHIT bcuz that shot didnt count..bcuz it bounced off of the thingy ma bobber! we want a rematch..ne who then we {{FINALLY}} went to bed around 5 ish.. SUndaY--> wE all got Up arOUnd 9 ish (me kristy mom dad joey james derek and this one other kid i never know hi sname tho) then me kristy and her mom went to shoppers market to get stuff for mothers day..then that was it... for my day I YOU REALLY <3 ME PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMENT..PLEASE Love yew! *stro
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