Mar 22, 2004 12:44
yesterday i had batting cages from 11-12 then i dropped swito n buffa off..came home and went to the mall!! whoop whoop i gotta new celly thingy! the cover ma bobber! lol then i got a bathing suit bcuz i start effin swimming on WEDNESDAY! so if u see me n i look like shit..thats why! i dont have my face on! ah! newho after the mall i went home showerd n then cleaned up the house..then kdog picked me up n we went to the moves with KEVO N BRAD!n we were standing in the middle of the star lookin for a movie..(we looked like asses) LMAO! FOOTTT!!! hehe.. then we came home..n i sat here all nite..
TODAY*** ive been cleaing since 9 bcuz my mom paided me too..then were going to get some new clothes when she gets up and then i got softball from 4-6 hehe..
then going to kdoggs house {{maybe}}
i want to TOOUCH you i want to KISS you! (LCIM! member?)
* leave on here!
xo love always xo