May 14, 2008 19:33
I really don;t think anyone uses this thing anymore... prolly for good reason, lawl...
anywho, random update... so i started work last week, for those who don;t know (aka, all of you) i got a 16 month internship at Messier Dowty designing/building aircraft landing gear for everything from fighter jets to the A380 airbus (incase you hadn;t guessed, it's fucking HUGE!)... moving on, work seems to be pretty good thus far... the engineers there are all pretty cool and the other students are easyt o get along with, i think there are about 20 of us spread around different parts of the company...
so living in oshawa for the summer which is cool, no more parental naziism... not to mention dial-up... and since i'm working i needed my own car, was planning to just buy some cheap used piece of junk but my dad decided to buy me a brand new car, hey, not complaining... so truckin around in a 2008 jeep compass, pretty good car far as i'm concerned... besides work i've been tryin to stay active...
i'm taking a dual credit web course over the summer, "Introduction to Psycology" it's kinda neat so far... though wierd also, like this guy that cut a cats brain in half to see what would happen... then did it to a person in an attempt to stop them from having seisures every 5 seconds and since the left/right sides of his brain couldn;t communicate with eachother he said he felt like a doll being argued over by 2 different people... one side of the brain controlled one side of his body and he was sometimes observed arguing with himself... multiple personality in the literal sense, he basically had 2 brains... also i've been swimming every night for an hour or so... covering an average of 1600 meters... which really is nothing compared to what i used to do but i'll get there... i expect to be closer to 3000m by the end of the summer... next month i plan to join up for Aikido, figure it's about time i take a martial art... since i have my own car and my own money i can do whatever the fuck i want... so far i plan to go home on weekends to go see odin and ride when the weather is good, i'll stay in oshawa when the weather sucks or somethins goin on... i think this weekend were heading up to mosport, should be a good time... been feeling alot better lately, i think i can blame alot of that on the fact that i've quit playing WoW (i kinda got way to into that when the whole lyndsay thing happened) and been doin physical stuff/goin to work to keep busy... that and i don;t hafta put on a fake smile for joel/lyndsay anymore... such a weight lifted off (waits to get ripped apart for comments)...
actually now that i think about it i really havn;t talked to anyone in a... well... long time i guess... and frankly i've come to terms with that, i'm good... tried to keep in touch with most of them, but pretty well all of them didn;t care enough to put in the same effort... blowing me off when we made plans, not holding up a decent convo for more than 5 seconds, etc etc... i got alot of excuses for a while about being to busy and whatnot, but frankly that's B.S.... if you WANT to do something you will find/make time to do it... if you don;t want to it's easy to find other things to be doing... used to upset me but frankly what can i do about it? nothin, so i stopped caring... if they don;t care why should i?... shifted my attention to people i know here and feelin alot better about it... hardly use my computer anymore, kinda nice to actually talk to "real" people instead of online people... though i do kinda miss my WoW friends that don;t have MSN that i havn;t talked to in about a month or so now...
and well, i guess that's it... 16 months of working, working out, and havin fun here i come!... and to all the people i used to know, well i guess i realy don;t have much to say... never was good with words =P