Muahaha I am back, thanks to Aki, who told me to use a - instead of a _ in my username, which totally worked. To celebrate, I will try to finish that silly question thing I started so long ago. Since, I have no updates really. I had a cold, but am over it now. I have next week off, which will be cool. Will try to be productive and study my work book.
Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?
Weeelll I think people constantly evolve as they age, whether they mean to or not. I don't feel like I've changed a whole lot. It's been three years since Bear, (ugh. I try not to mention that so often, but my life is pretty much broken into two segments, Before Bear and After Bear) when the most fundamental changes occurred. More independence, more confidence, a lifting of the depression I didn't even know I had, etc.
But beyond that I do make more of an effort to keep my house clean. I still don't have any sort of exercise routine, but I do eat better more often than I used to. I'm still pretty socially awkward, but I know I've been making more of an effort there too, sometimes with mixed results.
Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
Hmmm. Mostly it's not the actor himself that I find sexy, but him in a particular role. So the fantasy rather than the reality. But I'll try to think of people I find sexy regardless of what they're doing. This is my first time adding pictures, here goes nuthin.
- Jake Gyllenhaal. It's the smile, and the eyes, and the scruff, and stuff.
- Liev Schreiber. I have never seen that man in a movie without a beard. I approve.
- Karl Urban. Intense eyes are intense.
I give up. I can't think of anyone else who isn't role-specific.
- Wolverine. So much yes.
- And I'm just going to throw this on here because it's hilarious and hot.
Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.
Moooovies. This is a slippery slope. I am way into movies. My default favorite of anything is Pride and Prejudice. It's about a woman who is loved against her will, with sexy results.
I just re-watched Fried Green Tomatoes. I'd totally forgotten Chris O'Donnell was in that. Sigh, I miss Chris O'Donnell, he was way cute. He would have gone on my list except he's disappeared. Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my favorite books, and the movie is well adapted. I discovered on re-watching it that the author co-wrote the screenplay, which is cool.
Another movie well translated from the book is Secret Life of Bees, with Paul Bettany as the villain. I felt no sympathy for him in the book, but Paul made me feel for him in the movie :)
Stranger Than Fiction is a way good movie, and the only movie I like Will Ferrell in. I've tried several different ones, but I just don't like any of his regular movies. Will Ferrell, do more serious stuff plz.
Little Miss Sunshine <3
Danny Deckchair <3
Far and Away <3
All right, I could be here all day.
Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.
Ummm. I like to read about people doing stupid/silly stuff. Stupid criminals, bad dates, bad customers, failbook, etc. Cathartic, makes me feel good that even when I do stupid stuff, it's not THAT stupid. And just trying to figure out WHY, on earth, people would do such things. And on occasion to sympathize and recognize that sometimes my brain can work that way, and I've done the same stupid things.
I don't think I'm fascinated by any one person specifically. I have great respect and admiration for anyone in charge who knows what they're doing and does it well, because I hate the thought of being in charge.
Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.
Hur. Most of this is probably going to sound pretty cliche and generic, but someone with a positive outlook on life like I have. Non-judgemental, kind and thoughtful of others. I would prefer him to be a little more outgoing and less socially awkward than I am. Or we can just be dorks together, but I think in some ways it is better to be opposite. I like someone dominant, intelligent, and sarcastic. I love large, beefy, hairy men, with large noses for some reason. Ability to growl a plus XD I dunno, I think I'm done here.
Day 27 - A problem that you have had..
Pro. Cras. Tin. A. Tion.
Day 28 - Something that you miss.
A romantic relationship. Seeing my father more often and more freely. Someone living with me who likes to cook. Someone living with me who likes to drive. Having all my friends living close by. Dipps from Costco. Being able to hear.
Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.
BOOK. Book book book book. Clean. Cook. Book. Mope. Book. Procrastinate. Book. Read another kind of book? Watch the DVD's that mom made me of my childhood. Watch the movies I rented. Go for a walk? Get my tires and oil changed. Find a chocolate-filled cadbury cream egg.
Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month
The month is not very old yet. I had my birthday, that was cool. I had an off day at the pantry, that was less cool. The system at work is still very slow and annoying but I least I have a rhythm again and the old stuff that needed to be cleared is done. That is very good. I have a random week off, so yay. I'm a bit worried I won't be able to get as much done before I leave as I should, but it cannot be much helped.
Aaaannnnndddd Fin. Lordy, why did I start this again?